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Everything posted by mineurbiz

  1. If you really want to put some money into your bike I would talk to an engine builder first. I talked to Kenz and that is what made me drive to Arizona and have them work on my bike. The main point I think we wanted to get across is that it takes some big bucks to be FAST. The one guys claim of 62 HP with just bolt on's to a bike that is only 35 HP out of the box is pretty unrealistic. Ask Sand_YFZ or 1BADYFZ, they both have fast bikes and can tell you what it would take to get a YFZ to 62HP. You might also talk to KBR, those two and Kenz are very experienced with 450's, along with some other builders.
  2. ha ha ha ha that is great stuff Dani, thanks for the laughs!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. Oh boy the ways that statement could be twisted.
  4. I think at 10,000 is should be LOSER WITH TO MUCH FREE TIME lol jk
  5. NICE SHEE that paint job is crazy cool!!!!
  6. Also the bottom line is that you can not race Dyno sheets. But like we said cam mod pipe filter and dyno tunes for around $300.00 and you will be happy for the money.
  7. OK lets not get upset, I just do not want this guy to get mislead and I never said my bike is fast but you are saying that you gained 27 HP with just bolt on? No internal work no turbo no nothing but pipe filter ect..
  8. I tried to stop you and intro myself but you kept riding RUDE lol jk.
  9. Well that is :ban-cha: I am already an addict
  10. Hey Dani If you buy either state they will work for both. Someone told me that you can get them at Nevada off road buggy. Check out this post http://www.dumontduneriders.com/invision/i...ifornia+sticker
  11. But you are a Yamaha guy at heart RIGHT?
  12. That is a good site too dreamrr, just be prepared there are a lot of people that have internal work done and look like almost stock bikes. I only say this because you may do work to your bike and pull up to what you think is just a piped bike and lose to it.
  13. You all ROCK that is why I like to post here, everyone is helpful and have great stories.
  14. Buy a filter, you can try the power now (I have one I will sell you half price), get it dyno'd and do the free cam mod. That will probably take care of the bulk of the $300. Save the rest and buy some cam's later. Here is a link to do the cam mod http://www.yfzcentral.com/invision/index.p...0&hl=cammod What paddles are you running is another thing to look at.
  15. 62 HP with all external mods? :monkeedance2: lol the bike only has 35 out of the box you are telling me you picked up 27 HP just with a pipe, carb, filter? I have alot more done then that and I am putting out 54.2 on SAE and 55.9 on standard. My buddy has a 686 Raptor port polish cams ect.. and he putting out 64 and sorry I am REALLY not trying to be a jerk but 62 HP, that is impossible with just external mods.
  16. Or do the cam mod (which is free), do you have a filter also take it and have it dyno tuned. Between a filter and dyno you will be running better, plus the cam mod being free makes a difference. $300.00 aint much to work with. I think for about $450.00 you can have it port and polished.
  17. What do you have for a budget? You can do the cam mod, pipe, filter, jet (on a dyno), change to a kick starte (loose weight). If you want to spend money, you can change cams, port polish, bore, high compression piston, ice cube kit, valve job, valve springs, ect... What do you want to spend depends on what you get (I know you already know that though lol). If you are willing to spend some bucks call Mark Hargrove at www.kenzcycletech.com they do great work. hope it was ok to post that link?
  18. Nice buy!! I am kinda partial to the WW's and the billet edition (since we have one :freakin_nuts: )
  19. Dude you are being as a$$, they were sitting on the dune the guy on the bike is not even the one you are talking to. They also sat there for several hours, which I can verify because we were sitting up the hill from them. I don't know about you but 2 beers in several hours does not make for a drunk!!! GET A CLUE
  20. OUCH!!! I was glad to get my truck back, driving a saturn ion SUCKS. That little car had no guts and was so close to the ground I might aswell have been driving a go cart (cheap one!!)
  21. She is all fixed, thanks to Nick (Moparskin18)
  22. Trying to get around 20 to 25 feet, I ran into an issue and a RV park and I would like to install a 50 amp plug on the house so I will need it to reach.
  23. I don't mind making my own, but trying to find a good deal on the cable. I think Lowes sells it by the foot, but it is still pricey and wanted to see if anyone knows of a good deal on the stuff. I have the male and female ends just need the cable.
  24. She is gonna be a looker pete, I will make sure not to be on the wrong side of that thing in the sun light if I see you at the dunes.
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