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Everything posted by mineurbiz

  1. OMG lol this post is going to open a bag of worms. Personally I would go for the YFZ450, I think right out of the box, stock for stock it is a better dune bike.
  2. anytime, see if the parts are the same for an 06, that might help. I think most of the people on the forms are willing to help those is need.
  3. How late are you all there, we play volleyball on Thursday at 7:30 til 8:30.
  4. You can go on top of a big dune and get Cingular service, just sucks that it does not work on the flats like verizon.
  5. I will check, but I should be able to go and bring a trailer with my truck if that helps? Will just need peeps to help gather, but if I can go we can use my truck and trailer also.
  6. No doubt I would love to take a big kid ride with all of you throught he dunes.
  7. LOL well great vid's Mr. and Mrs. Dooner!!!
  8. Yeah that was us, I am actually in your first pic you posted of the south pole, I am the one closest to the pole with the back pack on. If was very nice to meet you, it is a little weird walking up to someone's camp that you do not know, but you Pete and the other guys seem real friendly.
  9. I think I got introduced to you by Pete on Saturday morning, I was there with my daughter. It was about 9:30 in the morning.
  10. lol no problem, by the way do you still have your horns on your helmet?
  11. There is also a bit that you put in a drill that will remove the screw without runing the hole. http://www.sears.com/sr/javasr/product.do?...UseBVCookie=Yes
  12. LOL that is funny, I was in your camp and parked by it for part of the day until my daughter got sick. Walked over and intro duced myself to pete, then kinda just stayed out of the way.
  13. New Raptor, very nice! We will be headed out Friday night and waiting for see some good races.
  14. Can you get to the head of the screw with some vise grips? Go to bike bandit and order the screw. I just looked on bikebandit for an 06 bowl drain screw and you should be able to buy a set of needle nose vise grips and get it out, then order a new one. I have had to do this on a raptor bowl screw, if you can replace it with an allen head instead of those crap factory screws. www.bikebandit.com
  15. Alien, Are you going to put your plastics back on, or stay with the metal?
  16. Isn't 102" the legal limit for overal width? If so then 102" opening is going to be over the legal width.
  17. Yeah I would not drive that far for a $10 part either, I bought mine from EBay and then found out Thumper Talk was local so I just drove over and picked it up rather than having it shipped.
  18. yeah a weekend warrior is only 98 wide so I do not think that will work for you. How wide is your rail with the paddles on it?
  19. ISBB you name is Nick? I was sitting at the south pole on Saturday and some guy came up to me and asked if I was Nick, so sure if he was looking for you or someone else.
  20. It was not crowded at all, but it was very cold and hopefully there is a better turn out this time.
  21. :drinkbeer: hey last one to south pole for the 2PM ride has to a little song.
  22. Pete, Are you giving him riding directions or direction based on the map view?
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