That really sucks, I hate people that steal, even more so when it is from a kid. I live right down the street from you, I will keep my eye's open!!!
If you get a chance, post up the last few of the VIN so someone may be able to match it up.
WOW I did not mean to upset anyone, just trying to figure out what the contest was based on that is all!!! Most of the bike or quad of the month contest that I had seen were based a little more off of what has been done. Now to "me" if it were pic of the month then it was a nice picture, but if I were to vote for quad of the month it would not be the winner to me (nice bike tought). But that is why I was trying to find out what the contest was based on.
LOL yeah it was one of them, he had two listed together and mine is the one with the seat on it. He cut me a better deal than what he had it listed for.
The guy I bought it from has a couple more to sell, he even has one that looks like a rat rod with a 90cc big bore and a 125 head if I remember right. He also has one with a 80cc kit on it. He loves these things, he is very cool to deal with.
HA HA HA I saw this one and the rangers shut you down after they stood back with a camcorder collecting evidence. We watched the action for a bit (not good with kids there) and then rolled over more by the hill and saw the rangers in the background with a camcorder.
Can't you have someone weld a set out of angle iron, seems that it would be lighter that diamond plate and could still hold the trailer. The 4x4 idea sounds like the easiets and cheapest to do, plus lighter when it comes to putting them away.
I should be there, just need some practice on launching. I also need to get a set of stock foot pegs, and take off the nerf. I was also thinking about trying a different fuel, I run red now.