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Everything posted by wingnut

  1. Thats true, I guess I never payed attention!!!lmao
  2. Hey JJ, my torque converter is fine!!!! Oh, thats right I have a stick!!! Bro all that tranny work and u never put in a billet one???? COME ON!!!!!
  3. Then maybe blondes would be smart and brunettes would be the airheads!!!! What if we were never hung over the"day after"?
  4. So here I sit...............just finished getting some things ready for Saturday.....I'm thinking....great season is almost here and I still have a buttload of crap to get done for this season...I don't know if it's because I kept riding all summer, buying diff crap or what. I know that many off us will be scrambling to get everything ready before the season kicks off!!!!! I don't know if it's a procrastination thing or just not enough time in a day!!!!! What gives? Who else is as un-organized as I am?????
  5. Thanks guys. Yeah it was cool as $hit. I sold it because the ex had to have a 4 seater!!! I wish I had it back in the family!!!!The rail that is, not the ex....
  6. Here's my first beast!!!!! And yes, that is my old CHEVY Avy in the background!!!!!lmao
  7. Two if its winter and he want's to cover the AAAAAAAA$$$$$$$$$$$ crack!!!!
  8. Duh, Prez, they play baseball for San Diego!!!!
  9. Say it ain't soooo...Hella Paul went hella gay???? :gayboy:
  10. wingnut

    Good day, guys!

    I chink I know him but I could be wong
  11. wingnut

    Good day, guys!

    Only if you are Hawaian
  12. Good call Peeps get married at Glammis....
  13. Then he would have to get shorts through Cintas!!!!!!! What if we could drink at work???
  14. "Are you threatining me?" :headbang:
  15. After the Ford tranny's blow up an the Chevy's melt.......I know of a couple cummins that can pull out the damaged goods!..... :headbang:
  16. Whatever dudes!!!You guys aren't half as funny as I am on my worst day!!!! :headbang:
  17. Hey can I get funniest reply of the day on that one??????
  18. That would make him/me gay!!!!!! What if Pauly always wore Dickie capri pants??? (Oh yeah he does)
  19. I'm out...need to save $$$$$ I've been spending money worse than Pauly Paul!!!
  20. Unless they got blown up my a$$ by firecrackers I don't have them. Besides if I did, they would be in the Taj Mahal.........wait.....maybe that isn't ball toe Abbot has, maybe he stole the cones and shoved them in his jeans!!!!!
  21. Then you would have a house full of koala $hit. What if I lived closer to Horizon and Horizon????
  22. Don will you be borrowing your buds Kawi cruiser to get there? You and Tim could ride two up!!!!That would be AWESOME!!!!!!
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