So here I sit...............just finished getting some things ready for Saturday.....I'm thinking....great season is almost here and I still have a buttload of crap to get done for this season...I don't know if it's because I kept riding all summer, buying diff crap or what.
I know that many off us will be scrambling to get everything ready before the season kicks off!!!!! I don't know if it's a procrastination thing or just not enough time in a day!!!!! What gives? Who else is as un-organized as I am?????
Thanks guys. Yeah it was cool as $hit. I sold it because the ex had to have a 4 seater!!! I wish I had it back in the family!!!!The rail that is, not the ex....
Unless they got blown up my a$$ by firecrackers I don't have them. Besides if I did, they would be in the Taj Mahal.........wait.....maybe that isn't ball toe Abbot has, maybe he stole the cones and shoved them in his jeans!!!!!