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Everything posted by wingnut

  1. My observations from todays trip!! 1. Dumont rocks when we are the only peeps there. 2. Thank goodness the Prez brought T.P. for our bung holes. 3. Ken likes his new paddles. He told us after he rode with them for ten minutes. 4. Yamaha's aren't all that bad. 5. Brakes on quads are a good thing. 6. Not buying filters doesn't mean you can't be friends. 7. Two wheel drive Colorados get stuck. 8. Pete's knee likes reverse knobs. 9. Pauly didn't eat sh*t 10. Jason likes foo foo drinks, and uses a straw!!! 11. Stopping for one beer can turn into hours of enjoyment!!!! 12. Ketchup and mustard. 13. Pauly likes pink elephants. Finally, never good to pass someone going down a mountain when two troopers are on the side of the road!!! Good times fellas, nice two meet the new peeps!!!!OUT
  2. Good times fooooorrrrrrr sure!!!!!!!!
  3. Keep it up Jackie, I'm not above beating up my "big" sis!!! :headbang:
  4. Ok, thats it!!! I wanna fight you!!!! :headbang:
  5. Thats not what I said Prez!!! I said we used to start or end poker rally's at E.R. Clean your ears! :headbang:
  6. Pete.................. I think by staying in that trailer........... you would be kind of roughing it, don't you agree? :redhat: :fro:
  7. I'll bring my :fro: too...I'm gonna ask Ken if I can borrow his Gyno light. Then I won't be able to wear a helmet either...Whats better than riding a two wheeler with no lights, no helmet and . What could possibly go wrong?
  8. Who u kidding. For Jackies b-day at coral, I'm bringing her a wheel chair with a 5 point harness!!!!! That will keep her a lil safe!!!
  9. Why rent space when u can give it out for free!!!!Yes I have been a bed mooch the last few trips!!!!!
  10. That Mulligans is cool, It's my old drinking hole!!!
  11. Thats not true OGP, u need a bigger turbo, derr
  12. "That's funny chit, I don't care who you are!"
  13. I'm out!!!! I've got nothing!!!!
  14. Huggies = youngin!!!! Learn to appretiate the a$$ rock Prez!!!!!
  15. Effin Pete, ur just a huggies!!!! :headbang:
  16. Nick if I wanted to roll out in style, I would be in the muti-purpose 1/4 ton!!!!!
  17. Neal is a God...Tommy Lee isn't to shabby either!!! Plus Tommy used to go over the crowd in a rotating steal cage and he effed Pam Anderson!!! Winner Tommy Lee!!!!
  18. I'm in!!! Pete can I ride hillbilly stile betwwen Nick and you?...lol, F that!!! I'lll drive my own Damn truck!!!! Whooooopidy dooooooooooo!!!! :headbang:
  19. I guess thats how they "Trail Rate" them!!!
  20. Or DDR toothpicks that Tony can use to prop his eyelids open with????
  21. Right on T!!! Congrats !!!!!
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