My observations from todays trip!!
1. Dumont rocks when we are the only peeps there.
2. Thank goodness the Prez brought T.P. for our bung holes.
3. Ken likes his new paddles. He told us after he rode with them for ten minutes.
4. Yamaha's aren't all that bad.
5. Brakes on quads are a good thing.
6. Not buying filters doesn't mean you can't be friends.
7. Two wheel drive Colorados get stuck.
8. Pete's knee likes reverse knobs.
9. Pauly didn't eat sh*t
10. Jason likes foo foo drinks, and uses a straw!!!
11. Stopping for one beer can turn into hours of enjoyment!!!!
12. Ketchup and mustard.
13. Pauly likes pink elephants.
Finally, never good to pass someone going down a mountain when two troopers are on the side of the road!!!
Good times fellas, nice two meet the new peeps!!!!OUT