My post trip observation list!!!
1. No fun coming to the dunes a day after most of your peeps.
2. Anna is fun to take on a roadie.
3.Pete bought enough food for three potlucks.
4.Wind at coral is just as bad as wind at dumont.
5.DDR owned coral pink.
6.OGP's Tatum needs wings and a bigger turbo :headbang:
7.Drunkin night rides kick A$$
8.Pauly Paul breaks dirt bikes
9. Steveo can actually ride when he is drunk!
10. J.J's trailer makes cool beeping noises.
11. Fire crackers under my chair piss me off!!!
12. CDavego looks like a power ranger!(at least its the one that is the leader)
13. Stacey is the Kanab taxi!
14.Dan likes sleeping in full riding gear!!
15. Jackie makes Hella jello shots!!!(see number 11, thats why that happened.
16. Pete, Jason, Jesse, Jenn and I are total white trash when the fire wood ran out.
17.Number 16 would have never happened if Pete didn't take a nap past 8:00P.M.
18. Taco is slept with a bi-polar sponge bob pillow
19.Anna truelly is a Monkie!!!
20.Ross' new tranny only likes second gear.
21. Pauly ate sh*t on an 80cc quad
22.Bert in the box
22. Once a poopd*ck, always a poopd*ck
23. Last but not least, good times once again!!!Thanks everyone!!!