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Everything posted by wingnut

  1. Seems to me ISBB we ruined a once newbie who's first name begins with the letter G.........
  2. I'd love to go! but.................I'm leaving for coos bay that Friday and that trip is going to put me in the poor house. After coos, I'm done until the fall at our normal sand box!!!
  3. I just hope it wasn't a "wet" sand dream.....eeewwwwww
  4. WTF, how do I get dragged into everything!!!!!
  5. Never did drugs. I'm a big enough d1ckhead naturally!!! I'm no one to judge. We have all done some things we're not proud of. I do aspire to be a sex addict
  6. Mine did too....solution..........1/4 turn motion pro twist :angry:
  7. EFFIN A RIIIIGHT!!!! :angry:
  8. wingnut


    Or you can be a super :angry: like me and represent on the windsheild and the rear window!!!
  9. Nice bro!!! your gonna love the lectron. I had lectron 46 on my ds. Those carbs are the fashizzle!!!
  10. Thats been going on for a while on ebay!!
  11. Personally I would go with an hmf pipe and a power commander. LTE's look cool.....but downside....more weight and loss of low and mid range. I would go for function/bang for the buck. go to atvconnection.com and click on the yami forum. There will be tons of info there.
  12. Get off at the jean exit. Hang a right. You'll c the signs for the track
  13. Nick, if thats true, why aren't u still working at the topless carwash????
  14. I can't agree more. My work(FedEx) I have been kissing customers a$$' for almost 13 years as an hourly and salary. Thats fine though because as in any market, compitition is just furious. I've been in Vegas for quit a while, so I can't say if it's a Vegas thing........................that being said, I can't tell u the last time I've dealt with a business and left smiling. I just don't understand employee/management mentallity. Oh well, it is what it is.
  15. It's all good, I would expect nothing less from "El Presidente"
  16. Hey guys, not to beat a dead horse...................can anyone recomend a descent storage place north of Sahara???? I may need a new place asap
  18. NICE!!!! That was freeking rediculous!!!!!
  19. Damn!!!!!!!!!!! I don't have b-pillars on my or my quad!!!!! I better get that fabbed up!!!
  20. Registration fees are so goood!!!! The positive thing is how much they decrease!!! My sd is still in the 430.00 range and its 4 years old!!!!! Just start collecting rent when u have guests at the Taj Mahal.....I'll pay my rent in beer... tell me how many u need for that trip!!!
  21. Deal bro!!!! Is it time to go to Coral yet? I'm f*ckin jacked up!!!!!!!
  22. I don't own either quad. I do have a lot of seat time on both...for my money, you have to go for the Honda. The trx450r is much more bike than the kawi. I just road cdavego's trx 450r a couple of weekends ago. His quad is sick,sick,sick!!!! Ride Red!!!
  23. wingnut


    Freekin Don......
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