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Everything posted by wingnut

  1. I vote to bring it Pete. You've waited to long to have it running this well. If space is an issue I can drag toys up on Friday, that is, if I can locate a flatbed trailer.
  2. Dave, you best have your fiver hooked up to that new ram if your caravanning with Pete....he tows at Mach 2 speeds.
  3. Oh no big boy, I'm on bottom bunk with you!!! :rainbow1: :headbang:
  4. True Dat... I ride with mine....It gives everyone time to "F" with me when we stop for a break while I'm looking for the stop button. I can still hear the bike while I'm riding though.
  5. I'm still going as long as my reservation is still good at the El Presidento's Taj Mahal!!!!
  6. Wow cranky a$$!!! did u type that or did "I hate the world" Nick type that!!! Also, do u honestly expect sympathy for self inflicted pain?????? COME ON!!!!
  7. I find it interesting when Taco has to many :mc_smiley: :mc_smiley: :headbang: .Not that I'm weird or anything but it funny watching her
  8. I got my duckett today. Ticketmaster at Smiths...$15.00 and 3.25 service fee.....where can u see such a cool band for under $20 beans!!!! Maybe you can just take a camel back and fill it with your fav beverage :mc_smiley: :mc_smiley:
  9. Wow, That first pic is a lil sassy and
  10. Hey gang. Anyone going to The river run next weekend? Just curious.
  11. Dave, I'd love to ride in the dirt but I have my daughter this weekend. I'll go next weekend if you are going out.
  12. I think I will leave this thread alone as much as possible. I don't want you to think I'm a bigger D*CK than you already think I am....How about a General one...WOMEN......ok, to vague. How about women thinking we are mind readers or have a crystal ball
  13. Don't be so angry my brotha!!!!! :angry:
  14. Pete....No expert but this is mine and my friends experience on this...........Post turbo temps will be roughly 250 to 300 degrees less than manifold temps....my thermocoupler is on the down pipe. From what I was told from autometer and several diesel specialists, the gauges "red"area is designed to read post turbo on the down pipe. My egt's are at 1100-1150 pulling Potisi at 48-52 mph. Still have plenty of pedal left but I don't want to melt anything. If you get the time I would put the coupler on the downpipe. Every gauge kit I've seen(ispro, auto meter and banks) instruct you to mount on the down pipe. This being said, I also took my infrared heat gun and checked the down pipe temp and compared it to what the gauge read and they were very close....just my .02
  15. WWWWWHHHHHHATEVER Mr. South Side!!!!
  16. OMG, I just about fell off the chair when I read this....seems to me duniemonkie, taco and I just conversed about this on Sunday!!!!!!
  17. Pete Drive to Utah, COME ON!!!!!!!!! U know there is more to the valley than the Horizon/Horizon corner!!!!!!
  18. RIGHT ON!!!!Thats my local drinkin hole. I live 5 minutes from there!!!! Now I can say I know the owner!!!!
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