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Everything posted by wingnut

  1. I'm going to assume that they are tight enough....with that being said it could be a couple things. Check that you are using the correct style nut for your wheel. If your rim is flat where the studs go through make sure you lugnut has a flat base. If your wheels are tapered use accorn lug nets. Also make sure your stud holes are round and not "ovaled" out. Try to replace your lug nuts with nylon locking lugnuts.
  2. Thanks to you as well Chris. You saved a lot of peoples weekends out there. Thanks for hauling out that blaster for us too a couple of weekends ago!!!! :shoot:
  3. That tweaks me too. Happened to me. I was at a Wallyworld and someone caught my rear bumper on the swingout. Pushed my bumper so hard it hit the bed. I know it was and old Asian lady because I was at the Walmart in Spring Valley. :kitty: Anyway, had that fixed then I dented it hooking up my trailer!!! I hate myself!!!
  4. Shoot it with a small cal gun, that will get it flowing!
  5. Could you please clean up the parts and the bike. Then move it in the sunlight so we can get a more crisp picture? Thanks in advance......
  6. If I may steal a line from Samuel Jackson......"English mutha effer!!!! Do you speak it?"
  7. My wife SAISE you spell like a five year old!!!!! Actually she didn't but I did!!!
  8. Wow this is tough............. The best use of a dancing banana smiley and turtles!!!
  9. LMFAO!!!!!! This could be the best thread de-railment of the dumbest thread EVER!!!!!!!!!
  10. wingnut


    Sweet Eric!!! Beautiful ride!!! I was watching that thread and wondering if that was the one you were gonna pull the trigger on!!!
  11. I think it would sound like someone that is "SPECIAL" trying to sell a dirty qWad for to much money!!!!!
  12. Your all effin, shall I say special, or maybe just retarded.
  13. Wow, you are a big baller bro. At the boobie bar on someone else's dime!!!! So how soon is the divorce once the bride finds out about your boobie bender?
  14. I know, we had to cameras and no pics, wtf?
  15. We went out for a day trip today with the KLLM's......One of the most fun day trips we've had. Pro's: Great weather Great, smooth sand! 97.5 MPH on the flats....I'm glad we ran out of road!!!!! OOOOF!!!! Driving rzr's like rails. Kids digging their new bikes and learning how to shift with a clutch!(long live pinger's) Tiff jaming with Tina in the rzr's! (both had great rides all day) Used all the fuel we came with! Watching two adult females dance to "Tootsie roll" at the entrance road!!!! Great rides in the orange rocket! Con's: THE ROAD WAS THE WORST I'VE SEEN IN YEARS! Road will destroy trailer When meeting in Dumont to buy a new quad, make sure you have the $$$$, we dropped the ball on that one!!! (Left the money on the kitchen counter) Make sure you have spark plug wires on all 8 cylinders! Watch out for bee's!!!! Don't put your phone in your pocket! If you lose that phone, you won't find it!!!(I think I know where I lost it) Great trip, can't wait 'till this weekend!!!!!!
  16. Congrats guys! Very nice!!!!!! We're taking Tiff's new RZR out to the D tomorrow!!!
  17. Whatever, a$$hat, I didn't see that a link was posted for it!!! WHATEVA!!!!!
  18. Maybe they gave you bad service because you were a hetrosexual couple. You realize that place is a gay hotel. The rainbow warriors praise that place.
  19. Here is another link for photohomo's http://peterlik.com/
  20. Who knows where the phrase came from Jill? "It is what it is"!!!!!! Since you brought up phrases, when I hear someone say "AND WHAT NOT" It makes me jump out of my FUGGIN skin!!!!!!
  21. A minimum of 8-10 inches is what I used to set mine up at.
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