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Everything posted by wingnut

  1. Can it please be north of the 215, I'm begging u guys!!!!! :smiley:
  2. Here's my question!!! Since Christina is a lil wounded and limp wristed since that bush jumped in front of her, who is going to hold her drink? We know she can't hold it with her left hand, she'll spill it down her shirt(which isn't a bad thing). Hey I got it we can get her a really long straw or one of those beer helmets that hold two beers and have a straw hanging off the top!!!!That would be so good!!!!
  3. wingnut

    The Sopranos

    Last night was pretty good...It's getting better!!!!!
  4. Hey guys!!! As I looked at the calender today, it made me cranky that the dumont season is almost over. I just wanted to say "thanks" to everyone for making this such a good season. I was really fortunate to meet alot of you guys and gals. I can honestly say I have had some of the best times ever hanging with all of you at the sandbox. Every one of you have been super and we've had some rediculously "Good Times". It's so cool to meet so many people that are so passionate about this!!!! I have to admit this has been the toughest year of my life, but all of you made it much easier to deal with!!!!! Anyway, before I sound to :angry: I just wanted to thank everyone for a great season out there!!!! Lets keep and keep the rubber side down!!!!
  5. True dat!!!! I'm over hating you too!!!! Now I have to make nice with you!!! It's hard to keep Taco happy!!!!
  6. Yeah that made for good times!!! Come on Nick, you've been called number one before!!!!
  7. WHATEVER TACO!!!I heard you same the same thing to him!!!!(I hate you!!!) :smiley:
  8. Here are some things I learned this weekend, in no order. 1. ISBB doesn't snore. 2. Taco hates me, wait, or is it I hate Taco? 3.Girls crash too. 4.Pete and Nick are making me an alcohalic. 5.Joe knows where the second finger is!! 6.To much :smiley: makes goodtimes for night rides. 7.To much air on the front tire of a is never good. 8.The 1/4 ton has many more uses. 9. Taco is a great beer recovery person. 10.New peeps drink to much too(Right Gerald)? I'm out!!!!!!
  9. Nick even if you leave late tonight, who cares, we'll be up...besides if u stay in town all your going to do is
  10. Cool Nick if you could grab some until Pete gets there that would be cool!! All Pete needs to do is bring one or two redwood tree stumps and we'll be good the rest of the weekend!!!!
  11. Ok, back on topic...I forgot to grab the wood Pete. Anyone bringing wood or should I go buy some?
  12. Omg, examples...Pete do you think any of us are ok to set good examples? Thats scary!!!
  13. OUCH!!!! any way, nothing wrong with eating tacos!!!!!!
  14. Ok, I'm picking thirsty Thursday tonight!!! it's at a place called Dumont. About two hours from here. Oh thats right most of you work tommorrow!!!
  15. Firepole, I used to change mine every other trip in my vwpowered cars. Valvolene vr1. Cheap insurance for aircooled engines. I assume thats whats in your car, a vdub?
  16. Cool please keep us posted. I've had some battery issues too. I'll be interested in how it pans out for you!! If it works well I may try that and scrap the solar panels I've been checking in to...
  17. Nice, thats some ammunition!!! How have I not heard that story!!!!
  18. Don u can have the flag, I want the rail!!! Nice ride
  19. Pete isn't this a boys weekend only??????
  20. When Nick passes out from :smiley: this weekend, I'm putting a 5 point on his dirtbike!!!That would make for some good times for him!!!!
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