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Everything posted by wingnut

  1. Thanks Skyz Yeah bud. There is a slip fitting in the front fresh tank where the pvc pipe goes in. The fitting has a crack. I've had no luck with plumbers goop or JB plumber putty.
  2. I met a really good, honest rv mechanic today. Very knowledgable and informative. He is mobile too. If any of you need repairs or have questions, pm me for his number.
  3. Just curious if anyone has a plastic welder? Are they pretty simple to use? Pro's/con's?
  4. Still thinking of a name, Cheese........but.....................hey, congrats on having sex for the second time in your life!!!!!!
  5. Both are savagable no prob. My 70 carb and tank were worse then that. Soak the carb in parts cleaner(Not the float though) Then get this for your tank!!! http://www.rockymountainatv.com/productDet...odFamilyId=1141
  6. I've got tons of questions I'd like answered after this past trip, wish it wasn't during the week!!! Off topic, I haven't seen the donated rail and quads out there yet, has anyone else?
  7. Not to get to off topic but.................................Steve, are u effing kiddng me? You have the longest run-on sentence's in the history of the English language. O.K back to the topic at hand.
  8. A lil scary huh? I was looking at older photos from Dumont that I have too...same story.....
  9. I feel comfortable enough in your driveway to do whatever I want!!!!! :porn:
  10. Congrats Jill. Nice bike! You taking it out this weekend?
  11. I must be the only effer left in the world buying my stuff!!! I wish I wasn't such a computer idiot!!!!
  12. Cool, maybe someone will turn in my full set of keys I lost at Coral Pink, 4th of July weekend, 2002 :kissass:
  13. Welcome to CRS...I feel for you....keys are the enemy. I bought a thick lanyard and wear it...guess what, I still lose my effing keys all the time!!!!
  14. Skyz...................can you ever post without typo's???? just sayin'
  15. I thought about it............................. Nope I'm over it already!!!
  16. Are the boxers to cover your Bourbon balls?
  17. and no Jodi that engine wont work in the homo hot rod!!!!
  18. I agree Cheeze balls........quit surfing gd.com and reposting everything over here. I'm sure we'll have much more of this since your on Christmas break!!!!
  19. I was on the phone with Wells Fargo for about an hour with an expert on this matter. He told me exactly what you said. Also he said one of the best things if you use your debit card is run it as a credit card, this way your pin is still safe. He also said to set up a "dummy" checking acct. He recommended using the dummy acct for bill pay, paypal and other online/phone useage. Keep zero or little money in it. This way the thieves dont have access to your bigger or main accounts. Good points....
  20. Dr.Mountain???? Are you kidding me? Shouldn't she be a plastic surgeon? I have to know, with a name like that, does she have nice mountains???
  21. Thanks Terry. We'll give them a call.
  22. We need to find a vet in our area of town. We live at Windmill/Eastern area. Can anyone recommend a good vet (who is reasonable)?? We have 3 dogs, so the cheaper the better, but we want to find a good one of course. Thanks for any input....
  23. I thought you boiled your black water and drank it just like you did in the 1800's when you were a little girl?
  24. Gee, thanks Skyz....did you winterize your imaginary toyhauler?
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