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Everything posted by wingnut

  1. http://www.atvgraphics.org/Polaris/RZR/Mis...lter_Update.pdf
  2. Too bad. read...R.I.P http://movies.yahoo.com/mv/news/ap/2008092...2253216000.html
  3. A place to smuggle illegals!!!!!!!
  4. To get better reception make a big hat out of tinfoil, roll down the window and rock it proud!!!!!!
  5. The megacab doesn't exist in the new bodystyle. It looks ok for a 1/2. I'm not sure if I will like it in a 2500/3500 next year though....
  6. That sux...To bad it looks like every other SD out there.
  7. Wow, that was a "under the radar" shameless plug.....
  8. Very sick....I didn't realise how big those cars are until it rolled out of the trailer!!!! :ah:
  9. maybe they just ran out of trash bags, you big meanies!!!!
  10. BBB, to bad you couldn't have found a hockey helmet and a drool cup to go with the wheel chair, that would be PRICELESS!!!!!!! For a treat Capt could have given you a big bag of cotton candy!!!!!
  11. I'm just curious............if F word ind went public, what would their identifier be for the stock market?
  12. Screw it, I'm just entering through the baby dunes!!!!
  13. Better get your "surprise out of the way since you only go to the D twice a year!!!!
  14. him... just a random thought....when helping a friend move his enclosed trailer, make sure the back door is latched and empty drums are tied down......I'll leave it at that!!!!
  15. Can't be Randingle. I c no Jager bombs or Yiah, Yiah on the shirt!!!!
  16. I don't need to do squat!!!! I wont be going out for another 5 weeks!!!!
  17. Ok, I'm still trying to figure out how you got your Jack in the box sized head and 4 chins under there though????
  18. OH SNAP!!!!!! Shizzz, there sumin in my gut!!!!!!
  19. Thats funny Bob, Tina says the same thing about him!!!!!!
  20. How did you get under the trailer? Are your axles flipped or did you jack it up?
  21. Im going to try and make it, my friend is getting a gorilla costume, and we are all getting banana suits, i would LOVE to see about 100 other people who get banana suits, that way we can all run from him BUT he has a CR500 so he will catch us Boy that sounds like fun.....Dress up like a bunch of skinny white/yellow folks and run from a big, hairy
  22. It's not. All the manufactures are going with a "Wet or curb weight" That's ready to ride full fluids and battery.
  23. Chicken waffles would probably be racist ...."Roscos chicken waffles" is where all hung out back in Detroit!!!
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