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Everything posted by wingnut

  1. They do have new stuff, RC...Sirius has been playing their new single for a couple of weeks!!! :freakin_nuts:
  2. Looks cool. Are you going to put a dirtbike in it and drive around town??? :stir:
  3. It's almost that time!!! 68 on the way to work yesterday, 66 this morning!!!!! It's finally cooling down!!!! Fall is right around the corner!!!! LET"S GO DUNING!!!!!!!! I can't effin wait!!!!!
  4. You better re-weigh your sh*t.. according to whats been posted, your not the heaviest, and everyone knows yours is the heaviest!!!! I used to say that....in the fifth grade!!!!! You big stupid head!!!
  5. Wow gang, I didn't mean to start a debate. I just thought it was cool that that young man made a commercial on his thoughts of the candidates!!!
  6. Got this emailed to me today. Watch the end.
  7. What that tells me is Joe knows sand cars....Welcome out of hibernation, by the way!!!! :black:
  8. :black: Good job RC, I like that!!!!
  9. Derrr...He GOT OWNED!!!!!!!!!!! :black: :black: :black:
  10. Congrats Bert...I didn't get that lucky...mine is in pieces in my garage!!!
  11. wingnut


    is that why you rock them hanging from your chin?????? OH SNAPPPPP!!!!!!
  12. wingnut


    LMAO...I know that truck, he used to live in my daughters sub. FUGGIN STUPID. It's a short bed quad cab. It also has blue truck nutz hanging!!!!
  13. http://www.atvscene.com/machines/yamaha/yfz450r_091.html and http://www.yamaha-motor.com/sport/products...620/0/home.aspx
  14. Man, that will crown you king of the fatness my brotha!!!!!
  15. Ok ...it's 9/6/08....the day you needed help by....did you get it????????
  16. I wouldn't waste the money.Most of the appliences, tires and geni have their own warranty.
  17. Badass!!! http://www.racerxill.com/photodetail.aspx?photoID=248
  18. Go to any bar or club, the later the better....Effin pigs and sweat hogs everywhere!!!!!
  19. You two need your own section. You can name it "b*tch about public schools" Then you can both argue about how warped the system is, how you need to be paid more, how aweful kids are and why doesn't anyone want to hear about this??????
  20. Thank God we only have to keep reading and hearing about this crap for two more months!!!
  21. That group is leaving this week to go to Iraq for the next 9 months, so I'm sure glad I got to hang with them. No trouble....just good times.
  22. So does that guy get extra charges for having the worlds dumbest haircut????
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