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Everything posted by wingnut

  1. It's the same price at the front pumps too. They only charge credit price at the trucker pumps
  2. Looks like Cheese blew :poop: and is jamming back to camp so his wife can clean him up!!!!!
  3. Capt is on fire........boy this trip could get ugly!!!!!
  4. From what I can c I like the handlebar/light set up!!!!
  5. Or it's like buying a Dodge and slapping a d-max emblem on it!!!! :stir:
  6. I didn't know we had to pay to run over lizzards??????
  7. wingnut

    I'm Back! :)

    Congrats on the two beautiful babies!!!!
  8. That's a sign that the Big man doesn't like that end of town!!!!
  9. +1. Good call Sam, I forgot about those!
  10. wingnut


    I don't know what the deal is lately......You patiently wait for cool bands to come out with new music....when they do it sucks a$$......... IE.. Staind....The new singles I have heard are aweful. Ok, we get it Arron Lewis. You are a gazillionare but you are still mucho depressed. After you listen to the new stuff it makes you want to shoot yourself. Taproot.... new stuff sounds like they stepped backwards, forgot how to write and recorded in their garage. Serj...... System needs to get back together. Your solo stuff sounds like theme music for Harry Potter and Lord of the rings movies. METALLICA.....ARE YOU FRIGGEN KIDDING ME??????? You hire Rick Rubin, that best producer ever. He was supposed to bring you back to the rock promise land. We waited all these years for this? Every time you get a new bass player you suck more. Maybe you can put out some good music and actually tour in America. Grow your hair back, go dig up Cliff from his grave and rock like you used too...If not just go away. You guys are as relavent as "The Crue". All above mentioned....consult with Cory Taylor. Everything he/Slipknot do is better then their last. Ok done ranting!!!
  11. HMMMM? We might have to stop by and make sure the keg is ok. :beerbong:
  12. They are good clutches.....DO NOT put an ebc clutch in though
  13. Just remember Tim, the sand traps aren't dunes!!!
  14. ISBB rolling around like Fred Sanford!!!!! OOF!!!!
  15. It's a forum...If I don't like a thread, I just avoid it......
  16. Audi R8. BADASSSSS. They were testing them in Vegas all last summer. They were ripping around every where.
  17. looks like that RZR has the tupperware option
  18. +1^... It's a different class of people in Iowa though.
  19. wingnut


    BADASS!!! Can you get me one that's a tractor and trailer!!!!!
  20. It will be going back up thanks to the hurricane!!
  21. I probably shouldn't if I ever have hopes of getting into the 350lb range your in, Baby Huey!!!!
  22. Who knew this could happen, I was the lego king back in the day!!!! http://www.portfolio.com/careers/job-of-th...r-Nathan-Sawaya
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