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Everything posted by wingnut

  1. No, that's the 6.slow.........and not a smokin deal.
  2. I've got nothing, we have two "b*tch" dogs too!!!
  3. ......and prob not a .001 raise either??????
  4. I think Nick meant that if you buy the whole motor then you will have an extra stator!!
  5. Your trailer is running a 50 amp service, right?
  6. Is there an upside and a downside when running comp hill? What about potlucks, do people do them there? Is it ok to stake off finger dunes? What about stripper poles, is it ok to have one in the back of you TH?
  7. cute pups...plan on getting a carpet cleaner on speed dial!!!!! :poop: :poop:
  8. RIP fallen brother!!!! We miss you!!!!!! p.s. Eff the media. What I've read and seen is unacceptable!!!!
  9. Where is the DDR camp?????? :mischevious:
  10. Cheese, what is this techno babble your talking about? I've never heard of it....You mean they don't play 8tracks anymore??????
  11. And Tyler's Next level has the exact floorplan as the older Warriors. WW must have just been aweful since everyone in the industry copied them...
  12. My hauler has a ghettofabulous sterio in it. I want to convert it to a decent car style head unit. Anyone have one for sale??????
  13. Finally you have a good post, thats fuggin hillarius!!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. Look at the Prez bustin' balls!!!!!!!! I'll admit, I went back and clicked it a second time because someone said you could see his feet sticking out!!!!
  15. We wish we were that lucky!!!!!!!!
  16. I can't wait!!! When are you and Charlie leaving, this Monday????
  17. LMAO!!!! Be careful what you wish for!!!
  18. I'm going to answer for him and say 4-5mpg.....his go pedal is stuck wide open!!!!
  19. So are those WW going to be collectors editions????
  20. Way to go with showing restraint....I can completely understand how hard it is to do, I'm there with you!!!!! Just remember every dog has his day!!!! I have a great memory and the patients of a saint when it comes to my situation, sounds like you do too!!!!
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