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Everything posted by wingnut

  1. Congrats on the HOMO HOT ROD!!!! Sorry, you know thats gonna stick!!!! Don't forget Mike and I are going "Cruising" in that bad boy!!!!!
  2. Funniest thing I heard....Jodi is showing her new car...Jagerman comes Out "Who bought the HOMO HOT ROD?"...........Jodi was
  3. I've got a brand new Super Troopers!!!! :dance:
  4. Got a salad last night!!!!! Still no tomatoes!!!!!!!!!!
  5. I'll sit by you.........for a minute or two!!!!
  6. Gives rides in his car which have made people
  7. Bad a$$ here!!!!! http://www.grindtv.com/video/bike/Kevin_Ro..._height_record/
  8. We'll pretty much have that place to ourselves
  9. 440 6 pack!!!!! Powerhouse with a mullet or powerhouse with short hair?
  10. They are both bad a$$....but I love the old school David Bailey replica!!!!
  11. I wish I had one back in the day.... Then when Pauly Paul got done blowing up my toilet I could have powerwashed it!!!!!
  12. Is getting wasted this Saturday with me!!!!!
  13. Eff your spelling!!!!! Im gonna shove some TOMATOES up your
  14. Yahoo Google supoorts the anti offroaders..... Letterman or Leno?
  15. Me too....and I like everything you make with tomatos(Spaghetti, chili etc) Me too, I walked into the bell and they had a sign Sorry no tomato's!!! I was like I did tell you but as usual you weren't listening... :shout: hey babe don't eat tomatos
  16. Stop it...You don't need "Buying a house" to put a damper on your dune season......Stick to the normal excuses.....My bike is broken, my parts didn't come in, I don't have a truck, I have to work, my wife wont let me....etc, etc.....or you could say, eff yeah I'M GOING!!!!!! Then just never show up and we can say "Where is ISBB" all weekend
  17. :angry2: he almost looks to short for the bike in that pic!!!!!!
  18. I couldn't be happier...I hate effin tomatos....
  19. ^^^Has his own shizzle fizzle dizzle language like snoop dog
  20. It sure does.....when you only ride it three times a year and never take it out of 3rd gear!!!!!
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