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Everything posted by wingnut

  1. BINGO!!!!!! How cool would that be??????
  2. Don't you whip that thing out at the party. The embarrassment would be aweful for you!!!!
  3. Looking sweet!!! You guys need the little white pet outline stickers with their names under them for that front bumper now!!!!!
  4. Sorry Pete, I actually broke into your truck so you would have something"NEW" to talk about instead of digging up 3 year old sh*t!!!!! ...Sorry to hear about your break in...
  5. He's bad a$$, I'll take him!!! I bet he likes Jager bombs too!
  6. Did u watch the games???? See the calls? The biggest, most crooked refs in all of sports. Do you not remember the scandel last year? fk the Lakers and Celtics.
  7. I wonder if they will wheel the big EDDIE out on stage like they did 20 years ago!!!!!!! Who's opening, Anthrax????
  8. I also heard that breathing off a tailpipe is better then an oxygen bar?????
  9. Yeah, it airs this Monday, right?
  10. You knew the Celtics were going to the finals. The NBA is sooo fixed.....Now they can say" The 2 most storied franchises in the league are meeting after 20+ years...." :moon:
  11. ISBB would kill himself.....I'll trade you my truck for the cbr for the summer though!!!!
  12. Neither....Turtles!!!!! Draft or bottle?
  13. You will you will have to wait and c big boy!!!!!
  14. I'M in BITCHEZZZZZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm bringing and a BIG EFFIN PEPPERONI!!!!!!!!!!
  15. I'm calling your boss!!!! :black:
  16. It's that time bitchezzzz!!!! :black:
  17. Or maybe he thought you could be like him and magically pulled pepperoni out of your A$$!!!!!
  18. Not at all. Just sick of reading 3 year old posts that have come back from the dead........ :black: Maybe warrior needs his own section...It could be called the I don't have sh*t to do at work thread, or.............I need to catch up on threads thread
  19. Mexico... Your Mom, or your Mom?????
  20. Warrior................ENOUGH!!!!!
  21. It says meat trio!!! So, technically you got 4 more then you should have!!!! BTW, what do you expect for a ghetto a$$ frozen pie????? They are probably all like that but you never notice because of
  22. Here are some pics from our camera......
  23. Your not allowed to go see it!!!!! :breakdance:
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