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Everything posted by wingnut

  1. Jim, don't respond. I'm curious to see what happens. I responded, I called two or three days before I was supposed to go and they didn't need me. Just drop the bomb alot. Also, can you two kids keep your bickering off the board please!!!!
  2. Na....not feeling good :freakin_nuts: Not going. You guys have fun out there.
  3. We're in!! I hope since it will be summer time, Dan will wear a sleevless T shirt!
  4. There are a couple of geni gurus over on the rv.net forum. Those guys helped me out big time...
  5. Sorry, Dude. I was sleeping and I forgot to call you back. p.s.: I think his last name is Powerhouse.
  6. reminds me of the time when I was little. My friend next door and I thought it would be a good idea to tear our dads riding lawn mowers apart to see if we could make them go faster. Dad came home early that day!!! I don't know what pissed him off more, the tear down of the mowers or the fact that his tools were spread all over the garage!!!
  7. Name tags!!! If they happen everyone can keep their tag on their person!
  8. THOSE AREN'T EFFIN SLEEVES!!!!! Thats a WOMANS babydoll shirt that you took the shoulder pads out of. Plus, who could blame you, you have to show off the 14 inch pythons!!!!!! Someone said you looked like an 80's pornstar with the mullet but worse, that short hair pic makes you look like a pornstar!!!! Let's be honest, you don't have the "Pornstache" at least. I'm curious too, when you had the mullet, did you rock your high tops with the tongues sticking out? Well, I'm over it, I'll let Dan get back to listening to Iron Maiden on his turn table!!!!!
  9. Does any one know where I could buy a small peice of clear bra or clear vinyl? I only need about a 6x12 inch peice to use for frame protection on my quad. Thanks, Craig
  10. Whatever bro....back out of another Coral trip.....I don't even know you anymore!!! Eff your changing plans!!! Ok, back to the original thread!
  11. I heard about this on the radio but the video is even better!!!!! :afro: My question is, did he eat all the other 7 year olds? http://youtube.com/watch?v=iprUJeDEXUo
  12. Wow, this seems very important to you. Maybe since it is the off season you should start gathering together paddle tires. Then you can do your own research and shootout. Gather all your data and results. Then, you can post your findings here. I figure this should keep you busy for a while. We'll see you back here in October!!!!!! Happy testing!!!!
  13. Congrats to string cheese...and thanks for posting a pic with your address. Now I can come practice my hole shots on that pretty lawn!!!!
  14. Awesome trailer guys, congrats!!!!! Potlucks and midnight hangouts at your place!!!!!
  15. I would go with a 6 cup extreme. 20x10-8. I had those on my trx and it was only a little more built than yours. I never lost a paddle or got a flat....
  16. Unfortunately, thats one of the issues with 6.0's
  17. TRUE DAT MY NINJA!!!! Or a way to get more attention!!!
  18. Damn...we pay $145.00 a month at storage one....can u say
  19. Don't hate because you have to piece's of dental floss for legs!!!!!
  20. "YOUR THE THUNDA STEALA"!!!!!!!!!!
  21. I'm sorry.............I figured it was ok since I have to hear your "FAT" jokes!!!! Sorry, you made me feel bad............I didn't mean to hurt your last feeling!!!!
  22. So I can help peeps sell their crap!!!! :beer_bang:
  23. I saw this on craigslist......got me thinking........WHAT??????? http://lasvegas.craigslist.org/mcy/651789248.html :beer_bang: :beer_bang:
  24. 4.60 a gallon when I was in Corona, Ca on Sunday!!!! :beer_bang:
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