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Everything posted by wingnut

  1. LMAO....Yes, I thought we were going to have to pull over on the I15 last night because Paul almost had a "Moment". It probably had nothing to do with the 3x3 and animal fry's he ate at In n Out on the way home!!!! :chug:
  2. No!! That's not what I was talking about!!! You didn't post anything wrong!!! I was referring to something a little more "private"..... BTW, this is Tiff, accidently logged in as Wingnut.
  3. So, as I sit here with an aweful feeling in my gut........tonight I watched the bowling alley get towed away by its new owner! So I ask my peeps, please let us have our moment of condolence!!!! In memory of the "Wingy" mobile, I simply ask that you share some of your fondest experiences in the bowling alley....Good bye ole faithful, you will be missed by all!!!! :6pak: :drunk2:
  4. :drunk2: :6pak: I hope Davey doesn't get a random black eye again!!!!
  5. I might be down to get my drink on!!!!! Gotta c Woody!!!! :6pak:
  6. And you rock your hair mullet style, she does not. You cut the sleeves of your shirts, she does not. Sorry bro, I had to!!!! :6pak:
  7. It's not just the flower pics that make you :chug:
  8. My best job ever is the one I have now!!!!! Being the biggest A-HOLE on this site!!!!!
  9. 53% which means you are moderately conservative. You believe in personal responsibility, limited government, free markets, individual liberty, traditional American values
  10. Worst job I ever had was when I was 13 or 14. I got a job at what we called in Michigan a "Party Store"( Like a glorified 7-11) Any way they hired me as a stock boy....the kicker was in Michigan we had a 10 cent bottle deposit..............So needless to say, they hadn't had a stock boy in a few weeks. When I started it took me almost 4 full days to sort all the returnables by brand!!!!!! Stinky beer cans and bottles....sticky pop cans and bottles!!!!! .............Can't forget, before that I worked at a grocery store....packing bags and retrieving carts in 10 degree weather and 8 inches of snow!!!!! fk that job too!!!!
  11. I would stay away from the kawi.....I haven't heard or read one good thing about them.
  12. Be careful with those dog doors that connect to a slider. They make for an easy break in point. Also, would it be bad if a cat snuck out and got away?
  13. OMG!!!! What if you had 4 eyes??????
  14. Eff vacations, who in the hell can afford those!
  15. That's where I went as well. Dude wasn't getting his fat a$$ under my truck to do a visual. I got an A+ on my smog! He said "I just love the way these big diesels sound"...de dee deee!!!
  16. Holy Moly, check this out!!!!! http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2008/04/08/...in4001152.shtml So here are some of my thoughts or questions.... 1. Can the baby breast feed off both Ta Ta's at the same time? 2. Will she be able to argue with herself? 3. Is the world ready for a woman with two mouths? 4. Side note I guess there are some good things about two mouths........ ok, I'll stop now. I'm sure if I keep going I'll for sure be driving the bus to Hell!
  17. Well mine is a little late..............but....Just wanted to say BEST TRIP EVER!!!!! :poop_hittin_the_fan: Seriously though, we all had good times as usual. Nothing major broke and most importantly no one got hurt. Thanks for all the laughs and great entertainment. Bryce, thanks for carting my fatass around on Saturday....Pete, Steveo, thanks for kicking my a$$ Sat night . I really cant remember to much more....... Sorry couldn't get the gallery to work. The rest of the pics aren't DDR friendly!!!! OOOF!!!!!
  18. boy Ken, you'll let anyone touch your monkey
  19. At least with clear lines you get to say goodbye to all of your little friends!
  20. It's only going to get worse. The only problem with owner/operators and small trucking companys going on strike is that big companys will pick up the slack. It's the little guys paying 4+dollars a gallon for fuel. The big companys purchase fuel under contract and are not paying pump prices.....everything will go through the roof. Look at it like this, truckers deliver everything except baby's.
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