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Everything posted by wingnut

  1. So what your saying is string cheese isn't string cheese at all....He's actually Mac n Cheese?
  2. Sure it will work!!!! Just need a BFH!!!!!!!
  3. Hey you have a crack in your skirt!!!!!
  4. Wow, I thought a D-max engine would be only a few bucks.....Just go to a junk yard and pull one out of a a smashed Isuzu box truck....budget has tons of totalled out ones......
  5. I make the wife or one of the kids check the air pressure when we're going down the road......
  6. I say run it until your truck dies....Then take it to Jim. Before you take it in, drain all the fuel put normal diesel in it and play :afro: .................Now if they could make the exhaust smell like Pizaaz food we could all rock the Bio!!!!!
  7. I think I'm going out this weekend too!!!
  8. wingnut


    Congrats!!! Now put a helmet on the baby and go ....Oh maybe it's time to get snipped too!!!!
  9. No bro, once in a blue moon you are correct about something!!!!!
  10. I agree with Cheese. Try it first and c how it does. When I first got my Weekend Warrior(37 footer) I had an F350 dually. It was fine, the truck only squated a few inches.
  11. Call Mad Maxx, I think he owns it!!!
  12. We have to do something.....we're 1.2 billion over budget for fuel this year!!!! BTW, thanks for telling everyone how rich I am ISBB!!!! :shocked2:
  13. Was a great day, except for getting up at 4:00 AM on a fuggin Saturday!!! It was chilly in the morning but after the wind finally died down it was fine. Pauly's truck was an awesome retrieval vehicle and off roaded like nobody's business....and is "Tough like beef jerky" The morning was good cruising around out there. Then when Freak and Monkie showed up it turned into tailgating in the desert. As usual, we had the normal stupid conversations...............and I learned that bacon filled isn't always a good thing!!!! :shocked2: Good times.....Thanks to Vince and Pauly for getting us out there!!! P.S....It wasn't a good idea for me to start playing slug bug when we were out there....
  14. This is just as dumb as..."No one buy gas on Tuesday and the big oil company's will be forced to lower prices"...Derrrrrr :shocked2:
  15. Boy my Ole faithfull Paid for Weekend Warrior/bowling ally looks better to me every day!!!!!!! Enjoy your 50k toy haulers!!!!! I'm just kidding so don't get a red a$$!!!!!
  16. I borrowed this link from gd.com....funny as hell bro song!!!!
  17. Any body have a pair of tix they wanna sell for the finals????
  18. I forgot about that!!!!!! Effin joggers!!!!!!!! Puff, puff puff!!!! They sucked our soot for 90 minues!!!!!
  19. All I know is I would have " Punched a sting ray in the face"........What a way to go!!!! http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/23727914/?GT1=43001
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