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Everything posted by wingnut

  1. You freaking cry baby union workers...16 hours my a$$, It was 62 seconds!!!!!
  2. Great song about "Bumps" http://www.funnyordie.com/videos/3b1e3750e2
  3. We're not going either..I have to stay home and wait to the Easter bunny!!!!
  4. I "Shawn" that one coming!!!!!
  5. I wanted so bad to go get my drunk Merry go round on that weekend!!!!
  6. Um, it was to important so I wanted to make sure he saw it!!! but thanks for looking out!!
  7. I think it's due for another make over and color change!!!! :eatdrink021: Lookin good bro!!!
  8. I've heard TS talk about goodyear though!!!
  9. So............ The computer I originally set up my Itunes on took a sh*t and is no more....is there a way to set up a new ITUNES acct., plug my Ipod in and not lose all the current music on my Ipod? I want to put more music on it but I don't want to lose all my current music?
  10. I hear ya...That's how I usually roll, I let my stock get empty!...lol
  11. Kinda of topic...I ran in to Carter powersports today. I needed an oil filter for my TRX and didn't feel like driving across town......$12 mutha effin dollars!!!! Carter is almost as bad as ride now group. I swear I will never spend one more penny at Carter!!!!!
  12. What if you don't wear nike at the dunes??????
  13. I agree a lot with what has been stated.......Pick something that you think you will enjoy. Get the education that that field requires. I went to college long enough to be an effin Dr. and I drive a semi, something TOTALLY unrelated to what I went to school for. You have to enjoy your career, you will be doing it for at least 25-30 years. Dont let anything be a dream killer for you. The most important advise I could give you would be.....You pick your career, don't let your job pick you!!!! C, I'm not always a d*ck!!!
  14. Don't be dissin' the peeps!!!! :afro:
  15. I've got a big gay yellow happy face flag you can have!!!!!
  16. I would say nice motor crappy quad. Kinda like a vette motor in a cavalier. I would choose almost any of the 450's out over the outlaw....just my.02
  17. Those two putz Mark and Brian are still on the radio? They must be back in small town markets????
  18. Wow!!! That's a bummer. What kind of turn around time is that going to be?
  19. I wont go to HOB anymore that venue sux monkey ballz!!!!!! 5000 peeps in a room made for 2000!!!!
  20. He is her non-boyfriend boyfriend!!!
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