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Everything posted by wingnut

  1. That's cool looking..........but it's still 35mph farm equipment!!!!
  2. I'm glad someone else got stuck with PP's hat. I have that thing most of the dune season......He left at my house, in my truck, in my 5th wheel on my quad..........maybe he needs to connect a biker wallet chain to it!!!!
  3. That's a great prize Terry!!!! Thanks for all your leg work!!!
  4. Some of the peeps on the diesel forum I go on are paying over 4.50 a gallon!!!! If it goes much higher then what we are paying you will see my fat a$$ on a moped!!!! Now that winter is ending at least diesel wont be needed for "Alternative heating fuel" :beer_bang:
  5. wingnut

    vendor row

    Then we can go to the other bw2 and prez can unplug the juke box!!!!!!
  6. Nice!!! A quiet weekend on DDR!!!!
  7. Of course that's what the Navy drives.....All gay guys drive a D-max!!!!
  8. No matter how much you polish a turd, it's still a turd!!!! Underpowered, overweight quad, NICE!!!!!
  9. Yeah no sh*t......I do it once and you effers blow me up with firecrackers!!!!
  10. No J.J. It's Fed Ex's fault. It's always Fed Ex's fault!!!!
  11. Same here....Clean up then ----------------------------- two weeks later!
  12. Yeah his looks just like your rail. I was just playing around!
  13. I haven't seen mine in the mail either...I'm done with them. I've had probs with them for years!!!!! Worst circulation EVER!!!!!!
  14. I want to be the next guy with the hammer..errr I mean moderator title!!!! "Wingy the enforcer"!!! Has a nice ring to it!!!!!
  15. Sweet it's daylight savings already, bad a$$!!!! I like that they made the change on that!!!!
  16. True 'dat!!!!! I will NEVER follow Bob on a ride again!!!! Sand blasted my skin off!!!!
  17. Cool. 5 o'clock meet&greet at the NORTH pole. :chev_bowtie:
  18. I think maybe to be "Cool" peeps should wear their helmets backwards.....Then you wouldn't need goggles or a visor. Seriously, if you are so "fast" that a visor mounted the correct way shakes your head you have a need to be concerned. Or maybe you have a pencil neck?????
  19. Cool pix. Sucks about your tire.......did you buy sand snakes rail? :chev_bowtie:
  20. That's bad a$$ Bob. If you were in the car and did a couple you could have made an extra 100 hp easy!!!! :chev_bowtie:
  21. Since everyone is beating their chests in this thread, I like my chances.... I'm down for dune runs, a drag race, lap at Sandy, shots, drinking and arm wrestling.......How bout some mma and last but not least how bout a "Talk smack off"......I think I'll choose myself the early favorite!!!
  22. It's been a while but.....There is a large nut(I want to say around a 17mm) built into what looks like a cap. Take that off and the main jet is right there. It's easy if all you have to do is change the main jet.
  23. I saw sh*t like that in the infield today too. I was waiting for a "OOOPS"!
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