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Everything posted by wingnut

  1. Here we go. Let the games begin!!!!
  2. Since today is the last day of black history month, I went and got a wooooo whooooooo welded in Tiff's exhaust!!!!! I can't wait untill she drives her car!!!!! :afro:
  3. FUGGIN CLOWNS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I agree with alot of these. I think burning to death or falling through ice with no way to get out.(I used to think about this as a kid playing hockey on canals and rivers)
  4. I thought that was one of the best launches I ever saw!!!!!! Cheese, did you get one on your D-Max yet? :eatdrink021:
  5. Don't patronize me!!!! :beer_bang:
  6. Tuesday for foxy sand snake!!!! :eatdrink021:
  7. Looks sweet bro!!! I see you went with the signature ISBB no front plate! :eatdrink021:
  8. Must be nice!!!! Glad FedEx takes care of someone! I guess the hourerly's aren't important!!!! But hey I got a handshake on my 14th anniversery!!!!!
  9. It would be at the top of the list if I was buying a new quad. I got to put about 30 minutes on one....they had a few issues at first but they are working them out. BRP has been developing that bike for 6 years and they don't half a$$ anything.
  10. Lookin good bro!!! I assume u got the new piston in there already????
  11. COME ON!!!!!! What the hell is a paddel and a basnhee?????? I have to ask.........can you just not spell or do you get SOOOOOOO excited when you are typing, your fingers can't keep up with your brain? Can I "recomend" effin spell check???????
  12. It's all starting to make sence now!!!!!! :whacky101:
  13. Sorry about that Sam...I looked back and you were gone........I felt bad......well not really.......I thought you just didn't like us "White folk".... Was nice to finally meet you though!
  14. Yeah only because she is still wounded and unable to ride!!!
  15. I dont know what parts store you have local.....but, got to rockymountainatv.com or motosport.com for you chain and sprockets. If you are running this bike in the sand, DO NOT but aluminum rear sprockets. They are to weak and will be ruined by the end of the day. As far as the oil, you can use hp4 on the motor side. For the tranny side run the honda tranny oil(comes in a tall red squirt bottle. Also, check out crfsonly.com
  16. I say eff it!!!! I'm going to level and grade the finger dunes flat this off season!!! :mischevious:
  17. True Dat Cheezy!!! You complain EVERY day about something!!!! What's your blood pressure like????? :mischevious:
  18. I think a lot of us have been through terrible times in a marriage/relationship. I could type pages on this but I won't. I do know, like others have said, make the kids the number one priority. I guess you could be the bigger person and at least talk to her and see what she has to say. A lot of the reply's were very accurate. I did hear a very good quote the other day, take it for what it's worth............"Don't let the hatred for your ex out weight the love for your kids"......Just a thought....good luck
  19. Check this nasty b*tch out!!!!
  20. So Cheese, when you blow up at the world your son is never around? Maybe you could write a letter to a congressman or write the local paper about this issue with NV offroad buggy? :beer_bang:
  21. 15k? Who the eff is paying that? You can get them all day long for 9500 to 10k!
  22. That's BS....I haven't been there in quite a while, I haven't had a need since I don't have a rail anymore. I wonder WTF happened? They used to be really cool and always give discounts. Unfortunately, your not the first or I'm sure last that has been treated like sh*t down there. If memory serves me correctly, I think they were also marking up the Dumont passes a$$ well? fk YOU NV offroad buggy!!!
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