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Everything posted by wingnut

  1. wingnut


    COME ON!!!! Keep" Your way's of thinking to your selves" We don't need visuals!!!!
  2. Congrats JJ!!!! Good news!!! Now get over here and install my gauges!!!! :freakin_nuts:
  3. Funny as hell Peyton Manning united way spoof :freakin_nuts: http://youtube.com/watch?v=quomL2m6cSM
  4. Funny as hell Sara Silverman/Matt Damon video!!!!!! Thanks Tiff http://www.funnyordie.com/videos/8e5cb0aebc
  5. Ok.....as soon as you take that pic off DDR where yor truck got stuck at Logandale. You know the one where two drives don't even get stuck!!!!! DERRRR
  6. Cool it started working again...............but I think you need to voluntarily ban yourself from DDR for no less than 72 hours!!!!!! :no_no:
  7. WTF Over?????????? up at 3:41 A.M. Who do you think you are, me?
  8. Now that we are a week into black history month, what have you done to celebrate? I had two black and tan's with Pauly Paul. I also washed my truck and put tire foam on my tires to make them shiney black. Alot of you enjoyed a black midget stripper.....the prez got new black tires.....Oh, I also got many emails from from Barack Obama. Be strong and please take time this month to help a :afro: out!!!
  9. Put a thin layer of vegi oil or cooking oil on the foam that will keep the sand out.
  10. COME ON!!!!! I was almost in a frozen coma!!!! Remember, pants, eff pants it's Memorial weekend, it wont be cold"
  11. Stevie Wonder eats sh*t....lmao http://www.break.com/index/stevie-wonder-f...bama-rally.html
  12. That stinks RC, glad you finally got home ok. Weather was aweful here all day yeterday too.
  13. Hey G, the ATV race is the weekend after prez weekend.
  14. Here's something to cheer you up........yikes :freakin_nuts: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rYLDP835KCc
  15. Going to be the worst game EVER!!!!!! I still can't determine which fan base is more annoying? Is it the fuggin "New Yawka" or the stupid "Chowda" fans from bean town. I do know that I don't want the fuggin Pats to win.....No fan base or town deserves that much joy. Red Sox just won :freakin_nuts: , Pats keep winning and even the effin Celtics are on fire :beer_bang: . Go Giants I guess
  16. I like turtles, Pete like pizza!!! :freakin_nuts:
  17. Check this linky, looks a little close to the name of your place!!! Go kick their a$$ :freakin_nuts: http://lasvegas.craigslist.org/rvs/559769916.html
  18. FUGGIN THUNDA STEALA!!!!!!! I was gonna say that but I've been away from the PC all day!!!!!!
  19. WE HAVE LIFT OFF BITCHEZZZZZZZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  20. Thats ghetto fabulous. Instead of saying street toyz on the rockers, It should say look at me, I have a small p*n*s
  21. I've been shopping gauges in town(Boost, pyro and tranny) Between shops not returning calls and WAY to expensive prices, I think I'll just buy them online. My question is how difficult is the install? Is it a pain in the a$$ or just time consuming......any advice?????
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