Was a good trip even with the mishaps.
Here we go...............
Prez gets a lifetime achievment award for always hanging in there.
My truck can now pull potisi at 70mph with pedel still left but it will catch on fire(Thanks for saving it Pauly).
Pauly can't wear white shirts.
Vince can still blow nasty farts from Mexican food he ate 3 days earlier
Terry forgot coffee even though he owns a coffee shop!!!
MLK looked like an off weekend :freakin_nuts:
Tiff's cooking was missed and everyone thought she sent us with food and I was hiding it!!!
Paul and I missed our better halves and are even more gross when they aren't there.
Randog "found" a very cool billet cap poker thingy
Pete is the ultimate "THUNDER STEALER"!!!!!! And Anna hates him for it!!!!!!
Cones, cones cones!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jim finally caught on fire!!!!!! DERRRR
Jim is foxy sand snake!!!!!
Camp fire conversation was epic as usual!!!
Got some good, nice runs in!!!!
Farm equipment can dune with the right driver!!!
Joe duner won't be able to tie his shoes until next weekend because he duned the king quad all weekend!!!!
OGP has a mullit!!!!
Woody is back up paparazzi!!!
Good times like always!!!!