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Everything posted by wingnut

  1. wingnut


    Just another example of how wrong everything is with that site and Glamis. "Have a slappy day"!!!!
  2. What they said bro^^^^ great job, good times!!!!!!!
  3. Yes they sure are nice!!!!What kind of an A-Hole would spend all that time and money on Farm Equipment though. It seems kind of dumb, you can't dune them!!!!
  4. I had a "Dumb Friend" do the same thing a couple of trips ago......same situation, I had drained the tank.... I checked and it was ok, you will hopefully have the same luck!!
  5. What a poopd*ck dad that guy is............That might be OGP's long lost son doing wheelies like that!!!
  6. Thats funny!!!!! Nick will u watch Bella when I need a dog sitter. You two have matching
  7. Darn I can't go that weekend, I have my wedding to be at!!! Last year Pete and I gave all those runners the excess smoke treatment!!!!!good times!!!
  8. Oh yeah you guys are gonna get spanked down there. You'll be crying for your mommies!!!!
  9. I still wish they would recall and destroy every one of them!!!!!
  10. Mine hasn't Glen, so On any given weekend I have from 1 to 100 peeps in mine and all I have replaced was a toilet seat, faucet and battery... Seriously though....What's the ratio of WW to other haulers.....there are more WW than all the others combined, which of course will lead u to believe they have more issues than others. Honestly, I think all toy haulers are POS'S.
  11. Most of the observations have been covered, so I'm not gonna add any. I would like to say thanks to everyone though. I was very happy that everyone came out. Good call to go out there for the bachelor party.!!!! Sux about Cole's leg and I feel bad but he was a trooper. This was a great way to close out the "D". It's been a great year. I met more great peeps and had a great season. I never thought I'd say this, but I'm over Dumont for a while!!! Once again, thanks to everyone!!! More goodtimes at different venues very soon!!!!!!!
  12. Nice x-ray bro!!!! My yfz 1, Cole zero!!!!!"U got ya a$$ kicked"!!!!! My bike needs a cast too u poopd#ck!!!!
  13. Make sure to get video if that clutch blows apart and shreds your leg!!!
  14. Can I have your autograph before you get to famous????? Congrats!!!
  15. Eff Coral before Memorial day!!!!! Last Memorial day it was 32 at night!!!!!!!!
  16. Maybe I should take this coment back. I just got a yfz!!!! I'm still a Honda guy at heart!!! :mic:
  17. Lets go steal J.J.'s Cabinet piece!!!! :dance:
  18. Wow..this is funny. I forgot all about the shovel. Who has it now?????? :dance:
  19. B.S.!!!!!!!!!!! It's ALL ABOUT ME THIS WEEKEND!!!!!!!!!
  20. and A arm bolts and belts and warranty repair!!!
  21. why the quad doesn't fit in Hyundai????
  22. :ahhhhh: :angry2: I personally liked the slow motion reinactment.....I still laugh when I think about it!!!!!
  23. Is it the weekend yet????? I can't wait.........c9 is the place to be!!!!!!!
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