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Everything posted by wingnut

  1. Bert has the big truck that matches the big horn!!!!!
  2. Glad someone saw where I was going with that!!!!
  3. I don't lke this site or the people on it.....all that is on here is useless peeps, with nothing intelligent to say!!! I do like the aweful spelling and grammar though!!!! I come here just to be a jerk and tick people off with my strong opinions and bad attitude!!!! If you don't like me, oh well there is something wrong with YOU!!!! Just playin!!!!!!
  4. Call Mike over at Green Valley ATV...He's one of the best builders in town!
  5. OUCH...out of my price range, thanks though.
  6. A mobile stripper pole?????? SORRY, I was just KIDDING!!!!!!!!!!!! (Dont tell YNOT) Just kidding Terry!
  7. a husky jump pack/charger thing.....saved most of us at least once!!!!
  8. I don't know if you live in Vegas but if you do A-one Trailer and hitch does good work and they are the least expensive. About $330.00 install with a seven pin in the side of the bed too. there number is 362-6212. They have done two of my last three installs.
  9. Damn....my girly usually reserves that kind of activity for later in the evening....Jackie's clumsiness must have rubbed off on Tiff!!!
  10. urban legend...saw that on myth busters
  11. Very Nice!!!...Is this gonna be the graphics on the tins? or maybe this . Also will this have the "What are these holes for?" in the panels......man I can't wait to see the rail....I wanna be the first to fart in the seat!!!
  12. Looks good!! Are they in Vegas? How much does a full detail go for? I was always curious...mine is way over do.
  13. The Fords and Chevy's are good trucks....but when u really need tow tow or move something you can borrow my
  14. Guys, this isn't my site and I'm not a moderator but can we just stop this FUGGIN thread now!!!!!!! Personal attacks on an open forum is just infintial!!!!!!!!!
  15. Don't go to the rv/boat show. It was a waste of time. If you were looking for a hauler, they didn't have squat. I was very dissapointed.
  16. No question go with the CUMMINS...the hemi is garbage and doesn't stay together very well....plus it gets awefull milage. Depends on the lift, just realize the dealer will charge you up the wazuuuu for the lift. Fabtechs lift is pretty nice for the Dodge. What dealer are you buying the truck at????
  17. Coles new rig is sweeeeet. He came over last night. It's got tons of goodies!!!!!! He scored!!!!!!
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