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Everything posted by wingnut

  1. The quad seems to have no bars either? Low overpass? OOOF!!!!!!
  2. True..............................................but can you imagine all the fun everyone can have with his banshee posts. It has two of everything. Just imagine all the future threads with horrible spelling and poor sentence structure!!!!! Man I can't wait!!!!!
  3. Congrats on the new rail Mike!!!!!
  4. As always.................you don't listen and your posts make no sense....
  5. Anyone day tripping Sunday???
  6. How funny would it be to see some one drop a big two piece in that box after that :B got himself in there!!!!! YEAHYAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!
  7. Lookin' good Mike. My bro-inlaw Jason told me you picked that rail up!!!! Congrats!
  8. Call Dale at racers edge. He should have them. I would check them first before you invest an a$$ load of shims...
  9. Like Brian said.......................by hooking up to the city side it will prime your system...
  10. I'm signing myself up!!!! Now that my pecks are moobs I need some help!!!! YEAHYAAA!!!!! lol
  11. I found a replacement for the mog!!!!! http://lasvegas.craigslist.org/rvs/1179801786.html
  12. OMFG!!!!!! I almost spit my lunch on my computer!!!! That's funny sh*t right there!!!!! I'm not a tighty whitey guy so someone else can have dibs!!!!
  13. http://www.atvaonline.com/news/story.asp?id=873
  14. Are the stains visible if turned inside out? What size are they? Is the elastic stretched out? Colored or white? Boxers, briefs or boxer briefs? oh and
  15. BEAUTIFUL little girl!!!! Good job!!!!! Congrats!!!!!
  16. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090516/ap_on_...americans_slain
  17. They need to rip his leg off and shove it up his a$$! Then rip the other one of and beat him to death with it!!!
  18. I read it because I thought a 3 page thread my be worth reading. I'm just sayin is a great phrase because it states sarcasm and smart assishness(new word). Do you hate it more then "Murdered out" and "What not"?
  19. "I went there to pick my wife and her friend up from their trip to D.C." Ok, just an observation...... 1. Anna is your girlfriend but you also have a wife???? 2. You have a new bride from D.C. and you took pictures while picking her up? 3. You referred to Anna as wife by accident. 4. You and Anna got married, even though you are both against marriage, weddings and kids? Just curious if you kids are hiding something????????????
  20. So, a/c takes an average of 5-7hp to run.....if that's the case, that leaves you with about 8hp after driveline and a/c loss! Badass, now you need to cut a hole in the floor to kick it Flintstone style with your a/c on high!!!
  21. Wow, this topic is almost as nerdy as listening to people talk about world of warcraft!!!! Just sayin'...ok, you can have your thread back!!!!
  22. Did you pay cash for the bike from the dealer? If you took a loan on it the dealer sent the mso to the bank. The bank will send you the mso with a letter of pay off when the terms were satisfied.
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