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Everything posted by wingnut

  1. Bottom line peeps, shut up and pay attention. I'm so sick and tired of "It was his fault...it wasn't my fault." Own up and be responsible. There are so many different "toys" at the dunes that are different size, speed and power. So many people dune now. Some are new to the sport some are vets. Just because you have a fast, bitching sand car doesn't mean you make the rules. When it's busy in the dunes or at the hill USE BETTER JUDGMENT!!!!! Is it smart to wheelie on a hill full of peeps? Maybe it is, maybe it isn't. Just like it wouldn't be right for me to go skipping across the dunes and cutting through peoples trains because a dirtbike is fast and can do it easier. Dumont gets very crowded now. Unfortunatly there can't be traffic signs, intersections and stop lights. So we as duners need to PAY ATTENTION and be curtious. It's very easy to run out of talent and some times luck runs out. It's easy to get into trouble out there. We all need to be safe out there. The more bad things that happen out there, the more it hurts our sport. Lets be honest, thank goodness no one was hurt or killed. We all need to get home safe and go to work on Monday. I would be a little pi$$ed if my toy got wrecked......but I would be thankful that I would live to see another day.
  2. They are all great bikes. Get what feels good for you. Also, which quad is going to fit your riding style and conditions. I'm a Honda guy at heart.........but out of the crate the ltr450, for my money is the best buy. My girly has one and I love it. It is the closest "feel" to a two wheeler there is. What ever you decide, I'm sure you'll be happy!
  3. Not to get off topic, but COME ON!!!!! That's the most stupid damn thing to say!!!!! :eatdrink021:
  4. For once in my life I've got "Nuthin"
  5. Strippers are just dirty girls, they need spankings!!!!!
  6. LMAO that dutch oven avitar is AWESOME!!!! That needs to be a smiley!!!!
  7. OMG could you imagine 80 k???? We would have to park trailers on top of trailers!!!!
  8. Eff all u effers!!!! I'm having my own TT in lovely Ontario, Ca!!!!!!
  9. Should it be called the poopd+ck crew?????
  10. You effers better quit rolling your farm equipment. The next thing you know 20/20 will do a report on them....bam, the end of sideXsides.......just like 20/20 killed three wheelers in the 80's
  11. Cool dog Brandon!!! I like Jager too!!!!
  12. Gotta love big Trucks..!!!! I got rear ended in October. I was in My 3/4 red dodge. Little effin chevy Colorado plowed me going 50-55 when I was stopped. I was thinking "ohh this is gonna hurt." He went under my bumper for the most part. My draw bar fileted his front end. We were still in the lane of traffic. So I went to move my truck, it felt bad because I dragged his truck to safety with me!!! the wrecker and I had a tug of war to get them seperated, GOOD TIMES!!!!
  13. Awesome pup. Another DDR Dune dog!!!! How bout Bailey.....In honor of David Bailey!!! U cant call her Boo , my Boston is Bella, but we call her Boo!!!
  14. That sux sux suxxxxx. When u get your new rig lets have the body covered in Nerf....Then we can have Ken paint some cool $hit on it. Or cover the nerf in fur.
  15. No you wont Pete I'll bring my lawn tractor then we can go on the ride too!!!!
  16. Great Job Guys!!!!any left over parts, nuts or bolts?????? :mc_smiley:
  17. What kx 60 to cr500????? :mc_smiley:
  18. No I think the term is "Technical midget"
  19. I Gotta come now. I think I'm going to drag Chase around behind my truck....We'll call that Alabama style!!!
  20. Call me Dan. I'm making 3-5 trips to socal starting this sunday.
  21. Bad news guys.............I just talked to the DDR midget. He said it's going to rain all weekend with 50-60 mile an hour winds. Also the road is closed do to bridge construction. Sorry to break the bad news!!!
  22. You can also buy a clamp on thumb throttle extender first. It wont strain your some so much. I've seen lots of peeps run them. They all seem to like them. $20.00 at most shops
  23. She was hot when A$$rock and bowling were cool!!
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