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Everything posted by wingnut

  1. Bob I work for Fedex and have peeps in Michigan, I may be able to "Help a brotha out"
  2. Thick skin required to bump around on here. Just an fyi, yfz..
  3. Come on a grown woman that likes smurfs and pigs!!!!!! :monkeedance2:
  4. Mc.Fatty you come out of hiding once a quarter and thats all u have? All those Utah trips made u soft! COMEON!!!!! Besides that happened last season!!! :monkeedance2: :monkeedance2:
  5. I like only my (Thats because I am railess right now)...
  6. Cool people????huh???You guys go bowling and listen to a$$ rock :monkeedance2: Let it go guys, the 80's were aweful!!!
  7. There is a site I have seen that looks awefully similar to my fav site....They say imitation is the biggest form of flattery though.... :worthless_without_pics:
  8. Whatever Mr. I only tow in the triple digits!!
  9. Shouldn't we have the party after he leaves?????? :worthless_without_pics:
  10. You guys shouldn't even go. Without me there it won't be fun at all!!!! :worthless_without_pics:
  11. Don't listen to Smurf. They didn't realize they were only using half of their fresh water until they camped their 50th trip!!!
  12. Let me know if you need help packing. The sooner your gone the better!!!!lmao....J/K
  13. My lens on my two wheeler must have gotten really blasted, I don't even c it on the bike!!!
  14. Thanks to everyone that came over.....good times FO SHO.....sorry I wouldn't allow Sobe bombs in the back yard. No Pauly we wont be sharing any snickers bars. The food and drinks were great!!!!!!! Good peeps and thanks for everything...I'll try to put pics up in the gallery, we have tons!!!!
  15. Nice. Lil more pin weight, huh?
  16. COME ON!!!!!! Were you going for quad of the month or Miss America!!!
  17. Come on Terry, I was just kidding and adding to the rediculousness!
  18. were they the ones on Craigs list?
  19. HMMMM...I wonder if there will be a stripper pole out there for my bachelor party??????
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