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Everything posted by wingnut

  1. Thats not a waste of money...That was my first atv....I had a 73 atc 70.....My uncle still has it back in michigan....thats on my list of toys to get as well!!!!
  2. "Snap"!!! Hellllll Yeah That will be like pimp my turd, I mean quad, I mean......awe, "F" it!!!
  3. I hope I don't catch the sun off those things!
  4. Holy Hell, OGP better put a Busa motor in it to move your two tiny a$$es :jester:
  5. Muzzy is Kawi's performance hookup
  6. Yeah he's a cool kid. I just met him at Sam's cycle. He was hanging out there. That chair was made by I shock. It's as much as a freekin dirtbike.
  7. Hey gang does anyone know of a good place to buy faucets for rv's. I think my kitchen one is shot....It leaks when the pump is on. Has anyone replaced their's? Is it a difficult job?thanks in advance.
  8. True dat, ISBB!!! We don't even know you!!
  9. Pauly is gonna have to wear a hazmat suit when he dumps the tanks after prez day!!!! NICE!!!!
  10. Hmmm sounds interesting!! Will they be playing A$$ rock?
  11. You know in Hawaii spam is a very important food!!!
  12. Pain hurts bro......we're not 21 anymore!!! I keep mine on the ground as much as possible...Gotta make it to work on Mondays!!! :fart:
  13. OK, here it is....." You know when you drive an awesome, best built, most powerful truck there is, you can tow anything".....blah, blahhhhhhhhhhhhhh :fart:
  14. Good points. I can't wait to come blow up the $hiter, use the microwave and store my perishables in the fridge....I'm using your microwave too......"Hey, you have any Gin in here?" :fart: Just kidding bro!!!
  15. Potluck Fo Sho!!!! I'm having food fight withdrawels!!! Dunefreak ISBB PaulyPaul BPGuy Wsky70 Yamapimp Ball-n-Chain Sincity_blondie Wingnut& Crasher
  16. Thank goodness toyhaulers can't be ridden and don't have engines.......Pauly can't jump the hauler...lol
  17. Hey I know a guy named Arti and he's from Cal.....hence....ARTICAL
  18. I was sooooo waiting for you to say that Prez!!! I love that too!!!!
  19. Danielle......ask Cdavego or dunesmurf. They are great peeps and can give you more info...shoot one of them a PM....
  20. BRRRR no Coral for me till at least Memorial Day........I seem to remember last Memorial day getting down two 31 degrees!!!
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