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Everything posted by wingnut

  1. U can't steal that thing, where the hell would u hide it????
  2. Maxxis makes a nice trailer tire as well. I paid 57.00 a tire for my E rated maxxis on the super good guy discount!!
  3. Or maybe spare tire implements huh Bert???? :monkeedance2:
  4. Fifth wheels are easier to tow, turn, manuver and back up....as previously mentioned, watch the the front of the trailer doesn't smack your cab. Even though you have a sliding fiver hitch, by no means are they fool proof. The only fifth wheel sliding hitch I've seen that is fool proof is the super glide. It has a hefty price tag. CDAVEGO and Dunesmurf have that hitch in their truck and it is bada$$. Also if you have enormous pin weight you may need to get aibags on the rear.....enjoy
  5. And we'll be twins, thats :monkeedance2:
  6. 35psi, are u sure thats not the max bead setting pressure. 6 to 8 sounds more accurate
  7. Yeah no sh#t, I'm surprised the French didn't before they completed it!
  8. I'm staying away cuz dude pukes worse than Linda Blair!!!!
  9. I heard some guy has a hauler called a Taj mahal I think, he always has bed space!!! The bowling alley is full for the rest of the season!!!
  10. It was an inside joke. I know what research, or having to much time on your hands is.
  11. I'd say maybe 4 hours. Maybe someone from that area can give you a better estimate.
  12. Take your dress of and "sack" up, dude!
  13. Effin Ken, :ahhhhh: Great news Pete. Very relieving news!!!
  14. Hey Pete do you have the GPS coordinates of where the camp is going to be? I'm worried I wont find it!!! (Just kidding, inside joke peeps)
  15. I bought almost 1/4 cord of wood today. We should be out around 8:00, 8:30. Jaegerman and some of his crew will be out around the same time as us!!!! Good times FO SHO!!!
  16. I thought maybe he was the dude from Benny Hill!!!
  17. I guess Blue Dodge's and white Chevy's are the DDR truck of choice!
  18. JJ that was me, I wasn't waiving it was a
  19. King did he have his riding gear on when he delivered your gifts? just kidding Eddie
  20. Enjoy! Have a "dry" run camp in the driveway before yyou hit the dunes. Can save you some frustration. It's a little redneck, but it saved me.
  21. I'm thinking this is a perfect example of why we need an application/interview process before peeps can sign up on DDR!
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