Ok here we go
1. Drove up and saw Don's truck, made the roady!!!Awesome bro.
2. Lots of vehicles sport DDR stickers(like an effin convention)
3. Fruit slices in a big pot on the stove(Witches Brew) ?
4. Pete doesn't know how to make bloody Mary's with the mixer
5. Dave likes 21's
6. Dave and Glenn used to ride their bikes to the main Vans store.
7. Anna and Tiff wear "Hooka" boots.
8. We are all alcohalics.
9. Eddie is back!!!
10. Steveo no longer likes DDR
11.Fun to have youngins at events! Got Milk?
12.Imma throw up.
13.Bad 450 likes to throw up.
14.Pauly is still the fastest in the dunes, he'll show you!!
15.Chair warming.
16.Tracy is gonna feel like S#it today!!! aka Mrs.Jim!!
17.I'm a name tag Whore!!!!
18.Many pics were takin last night"Oh God"!!!
19.Armz got a hair cut
21.Long drive home last night.
22.Pete's rail looks more broken in person!!
23.Jules drinks from the bottle( so does Ross)
24.Anna makes friends change clothes!
25.Dunesmurf can eat all night long.
26.Where was the pizazz?
27.Dan still hates Carter Powersports!!!
28.Jules fell off the toilet!
29.Cole wear's shiny santa hats!!!
30.Kenny will pimp out his mexicans(thats how he rolls"!!!
ok, I'm Out!!!!!