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Everything posted by wingnut

  1. I want all the Vegas area peeps to help me and Tiff move New Years weekend!!!!
  2. It's up 37 cents since halloween in Vegas.....2.89 a gallon!!!! Must be all the premium ingredients it takes to refine diesel fuel!!!!
  3. We planned on going but we have to move that weekend!!!!
  4. Like Jay said, go see Scott. Integrity has the biggest invintory and will smoke anyones deall out there!!!
  5. My weekend observations. 1. Smaller camps are more relaxing. 2. Circle isn't as fun without Tres Hermanos. 3. Looking for drunk family members until 4:00 A.M. is no fun! 4. Tri zingers haul a$$. 5. It would be easier to stay out of peeps' business if they didn't make THEIR business everyone else's business!!! 6. Pete show's great restraint. 7. Turkey!!!! 8. DDR = DDC 9. finger dunes=to much traffic 10. guys in bras and panties racing up comp always funny!!!! 11. Finally, EFFIN KENNY!!!!!GROSS but funny as hell!!! :surrender:
  6. You would need a long tongue for a 24 foot"Box"......also ther will be no trailer swapping or any other swapping allowed on DDR!!!
  7. DDR swapping, thats a nice thought!!!!!!!!! GROSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!
  8. Maybe 44 super swamper and 1bad450 could camp together and "MASSAGE" each others egos!!!
  9. Sweet Don. Can't wait until we can all hang out in there, fart, drag sand in and drop popcorn all over...!!!!! J/K bro!!
  10. The only DDR guy that has ever heard of that rag has to be Steveo....He's the only guy in the group that wear 200 dollar holey jeans, and his girl baseball hat. Doesn't Steveo also wear those 150 dollar bowling shoes to the sand???? I can c it now, Pauly could wear his best pair of dickies. I could wear my Fedex uni, and Pet could wear his Mr. Goodwrench uni, that says "Peter" on it.....and God we all know what Kenny would wear!!!!
  11. Wow The KTM 525 is a slug?????Are u freeking kidding me?
  12. Sounds good!!!! Kind of like playing hot potato........who will get it next, OGP, 29palms......racenJasen....we will have to wait and see....
  13. Actually that is the one I have in my trailer!!!! I guess I'll just keep it!!!
  14. no Randy, it actually looks like a giant spork, like from Taco Bell... buy seriously, its a pointed shovel!!
  15. Hey guys I have some ones shovel. It has a faded fiberglass yellow handle.
  16. I can't wait to start my drive to Dumont so I can flick my cig butts out the window!!!!
  17. Picked up a new quad today for Tiff. She wanted a brand new 06 but they were all gone. Got a smoking deal on this used 06. It's all done up. Full two bro's exhaust, full skids and a few more goodies..
  18. Maybe your time and money could be better spent on your overheating tranny issues!!!! sorry, had to!!!!
  19. I think I'll be to Dumont first.............so what I'll do is find the DDR midget and we will build a jump so everyone can jump the river!!!!!!!
  20. The milage will kill u Don. My 8.1 3/4 Avalance got 8 miles per gallon.
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