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Everything posted by wingnut

  1. Me and Tiff are in.....kid free!!!!!
  2. Are you freekin kidding me? Cry me a river!!! Does your vagina hurt????? Go to Oregon already and get hella granny so she can ride at halloween!!!!!!!!
  3. Call Darryl at diesel specialists...of Craig rd/I15
  4. I'd like to thank Steveo and El Presidente for introducing me to the "Pizza Cooker".....I'm proud to be a member!!! I can now make my own fourth meal drunk food!!!!!lmao
  5. Rediculous!!! A lil under powered though!!!lmao
  6. For the love of God!!!! Does he want to c the man on the moon? Those cant be effin real are they? can you imagine if the sun blasts those mirrors and blind the peeps behind him?@#$%@ Thats like spy hunter chit there!!!
  7. Good one....Did you ever think about doing standup?
  8. Thats funny that second pic is how I c most Yami's...always torn down!!!!
  9. What if Tony already put in one of those "Turbo" spark plugs. Then it won't be accurate. He might have some go fast stickers on it too!!! Did he stretch the new bike? If he did we know that adds HP too!!!
  10. Come on Bro you've had since the first coral trip!!!!!!!! Just a thought!!!!
  11. I don't think we're going. Sounds like to many people....I think DDR is getting to big. I don't have a DDR sticker on my windshield anymore, so I don't know if I would be welcome anyway!!! You all have a great time though!!! :no_no:
  12. Be nice bro. U might need to borrow a towel, or use my sh*ter out at the dunes now that your "Homeless"
  13. that is Why not just buy a power wheels hummer?
  14. Not to be a d*ck....why the hell do some guys have to "Run to a Dyno" everytime the add something to their bike. These are freaking dirt/sand toys. Why do you care if you got an extra 3 hp from a slip on, or 3 hp from cams. All the bs you do to bikes has had tons of R&D done to it, they have the numbers. I guess it just makes no sense to me.
  15. Cool Dan build the sh*t out of it...Then u can race another 450 and blow up your pinger again....."Dude I was racing this 450 and he started pulling. I rung it out and it blew up.....man it was the only time I ever lost".... I remember Dan telling me that!!!!!
  16. Why do you always have to hurt my "last" feeling????
  17. Thats true there are alot of "Crappy" trucks racing, they're mostly Chevy's...lmao....sorry I had too
  18. Just use a storm drain like Nat. lampoons Xmas vaca!!!!!!"That there is an R.V."...effin movie rulz!!! :freakin_nuts: :freakin_nuts:
  19. You can replace just the studs. I think you and Kris should not be allowed to change wheels anymore!!! :freakin_nuts: :freakin_nuts:
  20. HUH??????? :freakin_nuts:
  21. I'm in. for whatever is needed. Except the beer bill!
  22. My new dunebuggie.com hat and all my new pics of the sassy rhinos at the sand show make me happy!!!
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