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Everything posted by wingnut

  1. I have a ghetto mp3 for riding. A bitchin samsung 1 gig, nano 4 gig wired to my rig and a 15 gig in my crib!
  2. Awesome Bike T, congrats!!!!!! Are u going to put a basket on it for the baby to ride in??? That would be Awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Nothing sexier than a new dirtbike!!!!!
  3. It's a ring retainer. I had that set up on one of my rails.
  4. Sorry Don. I'm just an angry SOB this week!!!
  5. For real...................I like the feeling I get something bad happens to my ex-wife!!!!! Or when you run over a pigeon!!! Thats what makes me smile!!!!
  6. Wow Hella Pauly!!!!!!! I knew you had feelings for me, but wow!!!!!!!!! Or is it Pete!!!!
  7. Come bud, it's a cute lil picture of you!!!! I think it's funny, so thats all that matters!!!! "Let me have my fun"!!!!!!!!!
  8. lvms sent me tickets( I guess because I always buy the nascar tix)...I can't find them though.....I'd like to check the track out too
  9. wingnut

    RC Cars

    Then the Prez can get some lil cars too!!!!
  10. SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP!!!!!!!! BTS makes the most bullet proof Ford tranny there is!!! U DON'T KNOW EVERYTHING!!!!!
  11. I'm thinking Pauly Paul might be just a tad bit better of a rider!! Plus your just a girl!!!!
  12. Pete, The artist formerly known as Dunefreak!!!! It is sweet looking!!!
  13. wingnut


    No sh*t...We had a similar conversation...............Nick told me the same thing...I thought he was kidding!! All this hooplah, for that......Nick u should be ashamed of yourself for letting it get this far!!!!
  14. Nice!!!!! mid 80's and low 50's for coral this weekend!!!!!!!
  15. Oh, one more thing.....................do u know about what time u last saw the chair? Was it early evening? Maybe it was later in the evening......I think if we have an approximate time of departure, we might be able to figure out who "stole" the chair. Besides, you never sit down anyway, why do you care about a missing chair???
  16. OK Mr. red a$$, we know u lost it at the drags!!!! Let us have our fun!!! Where did u buy the chair? I'LL GO BUY YOU A NEW ONE!!!!!
  17. wingnut


    Here's an idea, who gives a flying f*ck? We're over it!!!!!
  18. They did G, I remember that!!!I agree
  19. Are u sure? Maybe we burned it!!!!!!!!!!
  20. One leg, no legs, what ever!!! EFF him!!! I don't go that way anymore. Maybe I'll go find him and get the accurate update!!!!!
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