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Everything posted by wingnut

  1. Is that why McYellow shirt is off the page tops riding the "girl formerly known as Taco" YFZ on the dune? Did someone get offended??????lmao
  2. I will look for it up at coral pink this weekend!!!
  3. Pete thats the rasta man. He's been on that corner for ever. He has one leg and usually a dog or two with him. He's the most popular homeless guy in vegas. I remember seeing him on Taxi cab confessions.
  4. Yes I did....Wanna upgrade to a 39 footer, thanks for looking out though!!!
  5. Whatever, u cant win something that is already a done deal for me. Besides, none of u effers have room for it. It will fit nicely in my bowling ally!!!!!
  6. The sand stars are great for duning. I had them for two seasons with no issues. If you want a good "duning tire I so get those. If u drag and do all hill climbing go with a straight paddle!!!
  7. Now that we are a week out, just curious who is still going? I know alot of peeps are bowing out. "I'm broke, my dog is sick, I have a hang nail"....blah, blah, blah......suck it up, load up the toys and lets go. If you stay home you're going to piss money away at the bar anyway!!!!Lets have a great end of summer bash!!!!Plus its Jackies B-day, and u know she's gonna get hurt and fall down alot!!!!!
  8. I'm good Don....The dune season never ended for the "True Duners" Just playin!!!
  9. No Dumont for me until October. Sept. is shot for me!!!
  10. I know this guy Pauly Paul, he spells like sh*t...I also know a guy named Dave, HE LEAVES HIS CAPS ON BECAUSE HE IS ANGRY AND LIKES TO YELL WHEN HE TYPES!!!!!!!!
  11. Then we could all bail and leave blondie floating in space!!!! What if Pauly had two mirrors on his quad?
  12. Just imagine how much faster it would have gone if you didn't short shift it and try to pull the hill in 5th gear!!! would have gone faster if u had on your yellow shirt on!!!!
  13. I just put my trash in the dunefreak limo!!!!!
  14. That's pretty cool....Thanks Peter!!!!
  15. I noticed, I was just afraid to comment and jinx u!!! Tiff took the get hurt title from u for that weekend!!!
  16. Then Nick could tow his invisible toyhauler. What if the DDR midget turned the river faucet back on for tommorrow?
  17. Whatever you yellow shirt wearing overheater!!!!! :shocked2:
  18. I don't know but it will control the climate that your beers live in, making a nicer, happier, better tasting beer!!!
  19. Wow...here's some salt in the wound Stace...5 weeks vaca, 2 personals,2 floaters 5 sick and 2 comps!!!!NICE!!!!!!!
  20. I'm on vaca that week, I'll leave whenever the hell I feel like it!!!
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