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Everything posted by bp-guy
Steve- this thread as well as mine should be deleted. I got some support and signatures, which is all i asked for. The rest was just good smack talk back and forth. I have no bad feelings at all. Lets bury these and move on.
Dune Pro Members 537 posts Location:big bear / barstow Interests:shooting and killing just for fun Gender:Male Name:bruce Kinda Ironic huh.. This is Turbo-Bruce's profile avatar info Ok I am done with this topic... BTW... I still like pudding!!
It's because there are probably 300,000 if not more truck drivers in the U.S. Of course the number will be higher!!!! More people on the road = more accidents=more deaths. But thanks and I am always safe out there. Tim
I "Fill" we do a great job. And I "FEEL" great about it. Grammer grammer grammer!!!! I never clamied to have the most dangerous job. Show us were any of us stated it's the #1 dangerous job. YOU DID THAT!! Amazing, just amazing. Any mods on here feel free to lock my topic I started.
Fine and dandy stats but,....... Those stats are for every 100,000 people that do that specific job. Being a truck driver is dangerous because your worried about a traffic accident more than being robbed. Seriously how many time have you read in the paper or news that a fuel delivery driver was car jacked? We only have approximately 20,000 agents so our stats don't equate to your stats. Taken from this site---- http://writer-david.hubpages.com/hub/Border-Patrol-Agent-Deaths Border Patrol Agent Deaths have been an issue since they first started on an irregular basis in 1904 to stop illegal crossings. Since that time, 111 Border Patrol Agent deaths, in the line of duty, have been recorded. But, consider this; In 2005 there were 773 recorded attackson Border Patrol Agents in the US. In 2009, there were 1073 attacks! In fact, according to the article linked, there is a U.S. Border Patrol Agent attacked every eight hours. Let me repeat that, There is a U.S. Border Patrol Agent attacked every eight hours. That is an astounding statistic. Since the year 2000, 21 Border Patrol Agents have died in the line of duty. Three were killed last year, including Brian Terry I want to keep on with my stats but truth is..... I have a grilled chesse sandwich waiting for me and it is more important than this thread right about now!!!
I posted the pictures to show what I do. Sometime words cannot convey what needs to be seen. Those groups were caught be me alone. I had no one else with me at the time I found them. I am at a disadvantage every time this happens. I guess I put out enough "Officer Presence" where they don't feel they can take me. But trust me, When I find a big group and I am alone I do become an instant A-Hole! I need to protect myself and I definately take charge and let them know I am in control. When back-up arrives I then become myself again and joke with my partners and the group sometimes if they are laidback and like to talk. The truck full of dope--- Each package is 6lbs so do the math on that. There was another truck in this chase that my partners got. Dangerous yes-- Fun HELL yes!! Rocket- I totally appreciate your support and defending my posts on here. But not eveyone sees things the way we do. Maybe they can tell us about their jobs so we can monday quarterback them as well.
This has become a good read. I see alot of points good and bad. Fact of the matter is, everyone has their opinion about anything. We all don't see eye to eye and that's fine. We all come to this site because of one thing, We love the desert, and this forum is a great way to meet new people and keep up with the ones we only see in the desert. All I wanted was some support in signing a petition to help me avoid a pay cut. This got sidetracked many times over. Bottom line is yes there are many dangerous jobs out there. I chose one of them. I love my job and hopefully can continue it till I turn 57. I like the verbal chatter on here, I hope no one takes offence from anyone on here about how wrong they think someone is. I have my feelings about some of you on here but I won't take a personal jab at you. I will question your statements and hopefully you will reply but I will never imply or state anything to be taken personally. Guess I should have joined the debate team in high school! Here are a few pictures from over the years. The drugs and people were all caught by me. Notice the terrain I work in. Yes this fat boy gets around in them hills ! LOL The crash I put up just beacuse it is a cool picture. The agent fell asleep driving in from the field. He walked away with minor injuries.
2003 Sand Buggy Supply (Long Travel) & Enclosed Trailer
bp-guy replied to notch's topic in Sandrails for sale
Pictures always help out an ad. -
WOW! Really ? what I do is just a job? Well come down here so I can introduce you to 4 familes that no longer have a dad because he was MURDERED doing his job. If everyone played by the rules then there would be no need for law enforcement. Please enlighten me as to the other jobs that are as dangerous to the safety of the public as law enforcement. And I don't want to hear, Firefighter or paramedic. I know those are dangerous jobs but they know what they are going to before they arrive and can prep for the situation or call for more help. We (Law Enforcement) do not have that luxury, help can be over an hour away at times. I know pay cuts are sometimes needed and I can appreciate that. But to come out and cut almost 40% of my check right away is not right. If you think that is ok then please sign up and work along side of me and I don't want to hear you gripe about the work load and the pay. I have never met you and don't hold any bad feelings towards your opinions, thats how you feel. But to make statements about our jobs not being dangerous is just wrong. By doing your job do you get bounty's put on your head? WE DO! By doing your job do you feel any payback or retribution coming at you? WE DO. By doing your job do you feel good knowing you did what you could do to keep the border safe? WE DO!!!!! P.S. I see you live in Big Bear accoring to your signature. How about the lunatic that just got burned to the ground in that cabin. He targeted cops. Innocent cops that had nothing to do with him being fired. Now those families have to deal with them not being around because they we doing their job. This man KILLED them in retirbution for being fired. Hmmm not that dangerous of a job at all. Kiss the wife good bye as you walk out the door never to return..But hey it's JUST A JOB.
Thanks to all that have signed. We haven't been told/given our 30 notice as of yet but..... It's just a matter of time, and alot of us are looking for a part time job as well. Pretty sad, Being a Federal Agent and then having to say at my other job " would you like to go big?" No offence to anyone in the restaurant industry by that remark.
You are correct, AUO is overtime. It means "Administrative Uncontrolable Overtime". My station is kinda unique when it comes to this. My station is in town, but we work in the mountains. I get to work at 5 am. We have our morning briefing and then we got our gear and vehicles then head out. We usually don't get out to our assigned areas until 6:30. So there is 90 minutes just to get briefed and drive out to work. We then work our shift until the next shift gets out there. This is between 12:30 and 1 pm. We then need to wash/gas our vehicles and drive back to town. We complete any paperwork as needed and finish any cases that need to be signed/corrected. This usually wraps up at 2:30-2:45 ish on a good day. But there are times when we are on a trail chasing foot sign for hours on end and our vehicles are a good 2 hour hike away. Or we had a dirtbag that needs to get his paperwork done before the time constraints expire. This can lead to a 12-15 hour day. If congress passes this thing. I need to stop all/everything I am doing and make sure I am ready to go home in 8 hours. I can deal with a furlough day to help out. But this AUO thing had alot of bad things besides $$ if we lose it.
We can't please everyone. I know who I can count on in here!
What does the price of gas have to do with my topic? I took this job knowing I might die. I also took this knowing I might have to kill someone. All I was asking was for you to take 3 minutes of your time and sign a petition that could save me and 21,000 other agents alot of money. We spend alot of money over seas on things that are trivial at best. We need to focus on our nation first. I have been doing this job almost 11 years now. My living has grown accustomed to my pay. My mortgage will suffer alot if I lose this money. I drive 9 miles to work so gas and my car is irrelevant. By the way, I own my truck so why go buy another car and have a payment? Anyone that puts their life on the line on a daily basis should be paid higer then joe blo the paper pusher. Our military gets SCREWED! They should make more than me. And people that jump to the conclusion that we make too much are usually jealous that I get what I get but they are too lazy to find a job that makes as much or more. If your a hater of the government payscale because your on the outside looking in. I think you know who to blame. If not I have a mirror you can borrow. And thanks to all that support me on here. I know alot of you personally and call you all my friends. Oh BTW... 1320--- That child molester I caught in the field and and is now in jail waiting to be sent home just might have been coming to your neighborhood looking for your son/daughter. Just a thought........
Feel free to come walk in my shoes anytime!!! Ever take down 14 grown men by yourself in the middle of nowhere with no radio communications? How about chase 2 loaded trucks full of 1600 lbs of marijuana not knowing if these guys are armed? Now am I overpaid?
Thanks alot. Hope it turns out good. Not holding my breath on that. Thanks Jim!
We are about to take a major pay hit in the few months. With the government all screwed up like it is the easiest way way is to just make us take a day off every pay period and we lose our AUO hours all together. This will equal about $800 a pay check !!! But yet we are still HIRING!!! I have hiring boards tomorrow !!!!! We can't pay those we have now but we will hire more, WHY! Please click the link. All you need to do is put in your email address and name. You will get an e-mail and click that link and press the "Sign Petition" button. If we get the required votes,It goes up for review and it might get struck down. $800 is a big amount to lose. I can see alot of people losing their homes over this one. https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/prevent-reduction-border-patrol-agents-pay-and-benefits-prevent-attrition-and-corruption/qFXtCFgX Please pass this on to everyone you know and ask them to sign it as well. Thanks Tim
We use APX (formerly Vivent). No problems. Everything is wireless and it has its own cell phone thingy incase the phone lines go down the alarm will still be able to notify the Alarm company. Great customer service and the system is very user friendly. It has an app for my droid to monitor as well.
That was a fun weekend ^^^^^^
Tony, Gordons Well New Years Weekend.
yep, knew it and follow it. This is a good law.
I was watching some videos on youtube and found this idea. You get some dry ice and place it in a bowl, (duh) In another glass you make a bubble like mix. I used water, glycerine and dish soap. You then get a strip of cloth that is longer that the bowl. Dip the cloth in the solution and slide it across the bowl. If it is done correctly it will seal the top of the bowl and a bubble will start to form. The colors are from my cell phone, I turned on the flash light and changed colors to see if it looked and "cooler"!! If you want to try it look up Dry Ice Bubbles on youtube.
Law Enforcement Contact at Dumont
bp-guy replied to ynot's topic in Dumont Regulations, Safety & BLM
I still like Pudding! -
It looks like Mr. Grinch's face in that heart shaped fire.