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Everything posted by bp-guy

  1. We are headed out to Gordon's Well for a quick 2 day trip tomorrow.
  2. We are hitting either Glamis or Gordon's Well. Not sure yet.
  3. Oops, didn't see the typo.(fixed it now) Thanks Vic! So dave, it's ok for you to do it for work but I can't? C'mon it's ok to be gay once and a while right. gay for pay!!! And by gay I mean HAPPY!
  4. I was just looking at the pictures of your car I took last year in Glamis last night.. Remember when these cars were 50-60K? Now you can get one for half! Whats next Jim?
  5. And just how would you know this dave? are you a closet facebooker?
  6. No defending it from me, It is gay! But if it helps my website then, GAY ON!!!
  7. I joined facebook..... After getting my photography website up and going I have been approached by Lucas Oil for photos as well as Black Rhino for my facebook page. And my response was...uhhhh I don't have one. Well as of tonight I do. 619actionphoto.com is my screen-name there. Feel free to take a look (although it it pretty limited right now) and please like me so I can feel special!!!
  8. We are heading to Pahumph tomorrow night to get some tires/rims for Tony's truggy. If we have time we might swing by Saturday morning and say Hi! I have a work x-mas party to get home to so we shall see.
  9. Steve- Can you post it on here? I don't have a FB account. Sorry to hear about this accident.
  10. I will start it off. Taken during that massive wind storm weekend last season.
  11. But if you ever get the itch to go all out. Here is a write up I did on my solar install to charge my batteries and have plenty of room for future upgrades. http://www.dumontduneriders.com/invision/index.php?showtopic=17170&hl=solar&fromsearch=1
  12. If you leave them hooked up long term. When you buy new batteries I wiould get a small solar charger to keep them topped off during storage. Nothing fancy just a simple solar trickle charger will do the trick.
  13. I am with everyone else on here. Sounds like a grounding issue. Once it is started then it is self powered. But the current draw on the start is a big one and a bad cable somewhere will kill it when you try to start it. Your electric jack probobly doesn't have the draw like the generator and thats why it seemed to work with no issues. Did it sound normal when you were using it? A good battery and it will move quickly and a low battery or bad ground will sound much different.
  14. GoPro just released the app for your Andriod. It was pretty easy to install. It works okay but not great. Indoors it was good for about 40 feet then the walls killed the wifi reception. I went outside and i was good for about 200 feet. You can see on your phone what the gopro is looking at. When you start recording the picture goes away but you get a audio tone that it is recording and you see the timer counting up. When you stop recording you get the picture back. You can also change the settings on the camera from your phone as well as keep an eye on your battery power. If you don't have the remote for your GoPro 2 but have an Andriod then your set. No need for the remote.
  15. Post a pic on here. If you can't find the owner maybe someone will want to adopt her from DDR.
  16. Damn Bert, That sucks, Hope its not too bad and your back up and running soon.
  17. Dave- I would love to make it out there. But the fuel cost is about 1k just to get there and back. Trust me, being responsible SUCKS!!! Atleast I don't have to wait in that line waiting to get my 4th ammendment rights violated!!! LOL
  18. Bob- I don't think we will make Thanksgiving this year, I am trying all I can do to get out there but it doesn't look like we will make it. We had some issues with the house that ate up alot of our money and being the responsible dad we need to stay home. I think my only dumont trip will be Presidents.
  19. Hey Bob- I can vision you at your keyboard like this- Cup of coffee, cigarette in one hand. pecking at the keyboard, talking to yourself about this outloud. Buttcrack exposed and of course.... BAREFOOT! How far off am I? P.S. your one black mofo!
  20. Call SCU and get the info from the horses mouth.
  21. bp-guy

    New Duner!

    Nick, Congrats on the little one. How did mama do on the delivery? Any good " LOOK WHAT YOU DID TO ME!! " stories?
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