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Everything posted by bp-guy

  1. I bet some of the sellers here in the US buy the China ones and mark them up to make a profit. I have bought lights from 2 different sellers and they both are working great. Let me know if you want their ID's and I will post them up.
  2. Ebay is your friend. I get mine from China,Hong Kong or whoever is selling them that week. Shipping takes a while but the price is good. Mine have not given me any problems so far.
  3. What type of car does the host of the show have? Post some details so the guys that show will know if they stand a chance or not.
  4. What parts do you need? I have a friend that works at mendiola. Maybe he can hook you up.
  5. I like Mexico! It keeps me employed...
  6. I bet she changed her mind as soon as she stepped off!
  7. Did someone lose a motor this weekend?
  8. I wasn't even there 48 hours but it was totally worth it!!! Got in just over 100 miles on the car. Went through about 20 gallons of gas. Car went back in the trailer under its own power so I can't complain at all. Still working on the go-pro videos and hopefully will have it up soon. Gonna get a Vimeo account so I can add the music I want. I have about 90 minutes of video to go through and got some good dune rides on it. Thanks Pete for the grub and the use of the bed. You make a good host. That food was great!!
  9. Nice video, I think you were pulling in to camp as I was leaving.
  10. Just got home---- Long drive and very tired so I don't have alot to say except those of you that stayed home MISSED OUT! The wind kept us off the sand for about 5 hours of riding time and blew through the night only making it Perfect for a nice ride today before heading home. Thanks Pete for letting me crash in your hauler. Here are the Pics... Crazy 88 MPH Sand Meteors buzzing Crazy Mex Eddie!!
  11. Now the weather says a passing shower late saturday night....
  12. HMMMM... Should I leave tonight or real early friday morning? If I can get all my gear together tonight I might hit the road tonight. If not I will try and get up and hit the road by 6ish.
  13. The weather is looking alot better for the weekend. Not so bad on the wind forecasts.
  14. I am still heading out there. Wind or no wind. But 88mph would be bad!
  15. With all the hot air that spews out of you mouth Bob, you don't need a compressor!
  16. Cool... When are people showing up? If I am the first I can get the spot. I will be driving my Duramax and towing the enclosed trailer.
  17. If people arent getting there till Friday night I might as well leave later in the morning closer to noon.
  18. I am in. Leaving San Diego after I drop my kids off at school on Friday.
  19. I will keep an eye out. What part of SD was the trailer in? Have you filed a report with the PD? If I see it on duty I can pull it over.
  20. I am in for the weekend of the 31st! Still looking for a place to sleep since I am bringing my truck. I will sleep in my trailer if I have to.
  21. bp-guy

    DDR day trip

    Isn't that the guys trip weekend? I got the time off and am planning on heading out there.
  22. I saw these guys a LOOOOOOONG time ago. They opened for Boing when they were doing their farewell tour. The were far better than Boing and I am a huge Oingo Boing fan.
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