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Everything posted by bp-guy

  1. Screw that- Look around there are plenty of sellers out there.
  2. I just clicked the link and it worked for me. Maybe they were doing maintenance or something.
  3. Hows this for a watermark? My ghetto skills at photoshop...lol
  4. Thanks-- I am playing with the watermarks right now.. They are easily removed, I forgot those were still there. My mom is a pretty good artist so I told her what I am looking for in a watermark, Hopefully she can draw up what I am looking for.
  5. I finally got my website up and running. I have been asked many times if I had a site or if I sell my photos, so I figured I might as well look into making some money on the side. I want you to tell me what you think and be honest. I can take the good with the bad. Any input will help me make it more user friendly and hopefully lead to me making a few $$$. Here is the site- www.619actionphoto.com Thanks Tim P.S I am looking for a cool watermark so if any of you photoshop guru's can make something up I would appreciate it. I was thinking of making it look like a freeway sign with my info inside of it.
  6. I like them without stickers. They look bigger when they are a solid white like that. You gonna let me crash with you if I make it at the end of the month so I can violate your crapper!!!
  7. ARE YOU KIDDING ME!!! I read your ENTIRE post about your journey across the western states and all you post is 1 effen picture!! Lol Glad things worked out for you and it (from what we can see) looks like a nice trailer.
  8. Pete- I only really need 1 shirt, If you want, I will sacrafice one of mine to help out another person if that helps. I will take the black and you can see if the charcoal will help out someone else that would not get one otherwise.
  9. Hmmmmm.... Gotta check my work schedule. Maybe I can do the March 30th- April 1 weekend. If I do does anyone have a spare floor I can crash on. I will be bringing the truck and trailer and my truck isn't too fatboy friendly to sleep in!
  10. 3 days and no more drama on this topic!!! Guess its time to put this one to bed.
  11. Glad you got it taken care of Terry. If your referring to the man that did your seats for the service I totally agree with you. He gave me everything I wanted and they turned out great. The rest of the transaction was a waste. Go directly to the sourse.
  12. Terry, If worse comes to worse he is about 90 miles from my home. I am off mid-week next week and I can shoot up there and get them to alumicraft for you.
  13. Mike- Send me your contact info for paypal and I will send your money. Thanks
  14. Cool, figure out how much to ship to 91977 and let me know how you want to get the $$$$
  15. I want them! Are they for 1 1/2 inch bars?
  16. My bulbs came from Hong Kong,The vendor was "vstore999e" But most that come from overseas are about the same price and have free shipping as well. The thing that changes the price is the amount of LED's on each bulb.I think my bulbs have 17 leds on each of them. This is more than enough light. I had one light on and it lit the entire motorhome with no need to use any others. The hard part is getting use to the "white" light as opposed to the yellow light the standard bulbs put out.
  17. If its a weekend and I can get that time off I will make the journey.
  18. Wow, Someone has anger issues! I myself am in law enforcment (9 years) I go to Dumont to hang out with my friends and yes I play by the rules. Well......... except for this one time we lit off some fireworks, ( Pete was there watching the whole thing go down) I had just opened a new box of mortors and lit off the first one and my buddy yelled "Ranger", too late.... He came in lights on and came up to me. All I could do was laugh and ask him if he liked the show as I handed my box to him. He asked for my ID, I went to get it and as I handed it to him I told him what I do for a living. He was cool about it and let me off with a warning and he kept the fireworks. Now if I got a ticket would I have flamed him for not catching all the others? NO. I was wrong and got caught, plain and simple. The one or two bad cops make all the others look bad, how would you feel if the DADS got put into the same catagory. I see alot of bad dads and by your own admissinon your a father so you must be a BAD DAD!! Take a step back and count to 100 ( most of us are good at 3) and rethink your putting the LEO's in the same barrel before for go shooting in it. Maybe one of those bad cops might come to your rescue some day in the desert that you didn't buy a pass to enter in the first place.
  19. Motorhome was NICE!!! Had fully charged batteries by mid-day. Can't believe I waited so long to do this!
  20. Onan's are very touchy. You need to start them up atleast once a month or just add an inline shut off valve and let the gen run empty. The gas evaporates and the varnish left over gums them up quickly.
  21. It was very easy Pete. If I had all the stuff ready to go, It could be done in 4-5 hours easily. The hardest part was removing the panels to run the wires. Taking out all the pots and pans to get at that access panel! Here 's a breakdown on the prices- Solar Panel $89 Charge Controller $90 Wiring $40 Batteries $210 LED Lights- $28 ( alot of bulbs) Dicor Sealant and misc stuff $20 Happy Timmy in a warm motorhome- PRICELESS!
  22. Good news. Kids are so resiliant. He probably handeled the pain better than you did watchin him go through it. Hopefully this will be just a faint memory for you as he grows up and moves on to marrying his nurse in a few years.
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