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Everything posted by bp-guy

  1. I need to do this. What is the capacity of a mendi? A gallon should be enough right? Whats the difference between the 203 and 212?
  2. My little 4.0l is listed around 280hp. But since I am a guy I tell everyone its 350hp! Well only in the sand....Because thats where the horsepower is.
  3. It's vitually the same. Except for the ability to limit the time someone can watch you and the way to load info to text,facebook and twitter.
  4. link to auction http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Long-Travel-Sand-Car-Sand-Rail-Dune-Buggy-Sandrail-Fast-Fun-No-Reserve-/180790255031?pt=Dune_Buggies_Sand_Rails&hash=item2a17f05db7-
  5. Thought I would share a new app I found. It's called "glympse" it allows you to share you location with anyone of your choice via text,facebook or twitter. Times vary from 0 to 4 hours for how long someone can monitor your location (you can choose length). The 0 is a check in just to let them know your still out there. You can also pick a destination on the map and it will share the coordinates incase you come up missing this can be a good tool to have on your phone.
  6. Nice.. Memories to last a lifetime. I am sure he will have a few stories to tell when he gets back home.
  7. Bob likes to stroke his motor!
  8. Sounds like the rings are going and need to be replaced.
  9. Hmmm- like ageing or dieing or seeing? LOL
  10. Price? Do we get an entire CV or just the outer part?
  11. So I guess Jodi is all screwed up? joking..... LOL, sorry had to say it.
  12. Cool video, I like that song too.
  13. As it backed in you can see it has a drop hitch already on. Hard to say if they needed to change it out for another size since they can't be seen. Security cams are good for general observations but they still have alot to be desired for clairity when facial recognition would definately be needed or to see a plate. Hope they get caught soon, a trailer that size is hard to hide outdoors. Also hope it was all insured. Definately was done with inside knowledge.
  14. While you in there install a shut off valve on the fuel line. That way you can close off the fuel and let the generator run itself dry and use all the fuel in the carb. Just don't have a load on the generator when you do this.
  15. My first two rails were VW's. Fun to drive but the lack of suspension on them was a killer. I sold them and upgraded each time. Now that I have a long travel car I will never go back to a beam car. But there is still something sexy about a VW turbo motor when it goes by. If your the slightest bit a mechanic and can adjust the valves then they are easy to maintain. I drove my 4 seat Chenowith car like a slot car out in Glamis, (ask ISBB) with turning brakes I was running the same lines as the quads out there. Tons of fun back in the day but I will stick to what I have now.
  16. I like watching those guys. the girl is pretty hot also which makes it easier to watch them do some cool things.
  17. LOL, That's why I like camping with you two! All the love shown is amazing!!!
  18. You will never hear one bad comment about an AG car! Dustin knows what he is doing and builds a great car. Been beating the crap outta mine for 4 years now and not a single issue with the car that can be blamed on the builder... but the driver on the other hand..... Good luck selling the car!
  19. That was at Patton Valley. Been up that hill hundreds of times.
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