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Everything posted by bp-guy

  1. Jack- My wife got me the 70-200 F2.8 IS II Lense. All the shots were with that. I did crop most of them to get it more upclose. But the regular pics looked just as good, I just cut out the part that had nothing to do with the picture.
  2. I went to the show on Saturday and hung out for the day. Got alot of sun but wanted to try out the new lense with high speed planes. It was fun and a good time. Here are the pics-- F-16 F-18 F-18 F-18 Vapor Ring F-18 Just below the speed of sound Sean Tucker Harrier Jet F-22 Raptor Bomb Bay Doors open F-22 Con-trail F-22 F-22 Tribute Pass Tribute Pass again Redbull Helocopter Canadian Snowbirds Canadian Snowbirds Fat Albert (look inbetween the wings and you can see a man in the dome looking out) Blue Angels Shockwave Jet Truck Golden Knights Army Parachute Team
  3. I have the PCI as well. I just pick a channel that no one is using that day where we are and we go from there.
  4. Dave- Shes going to be on that thing more than you now...lol
  5. I can surf DDR from my Droid no problem. Cheese- You doing ok? No smart a$$ remarks from you lately.
  6. My bad... That motor that you posted was in the car below it....
  7. What motor is in that boat? Nice to see a microbus get that kind of money! Nice pictures Pete.
  8. I heard that about you- You like it packed in the back!!!!
  9. Even though those are color pictures it seems like black and white over there.
  10. Nice pics. What lense are you using for the fisheye effect?
  11. You speak too soon grasshopper!!! Lol Good reading material while on the pot Pete. 2 articles back to back NICE!!
  12. Thanks-- Those girls were awsome. The slowest girl out there would kick my butt all over the track! The #2 plated girl (Think I have a shot of her) is a deaf girl. Try to imagin doing this and not being able to hear your bike! Yep, Found her-
  13. Me, my Brother in Law and few friends went up to watch the races yesterday. They estimated 35,000 plus in attendance. The track is huge. These guys were flying everywhere. Weather was perfect (mid 80's) and we had VIP passes to get into the tents for free food and drinks all day. I am not up on who's who in motorcycle racing but we met a couple riders and shook their hands, saw Brian Deegan hanging out with his little boy. All in all it was a fun day. My wife gave me my X-Mas present early since I was heading up there. She got me a new lense for my camera. It is a 70-200 F2.8 IS USM II. This thing is sweet! Silent autofocus and very fast as well. The only drawback is that it weighs a ton and after carring it for 4 hours my arm felt it. I can't wait to take it out to the dunes and get some action shots out there. Here are the shots---
  14. Bubble 1.8.2 - A bubble level. ConvertPad. Unit conversion tool Ebay Movies 2.9.6- Movie previews and video clips Scanner Radio 1.9.4 - Police scanner WF & Clock widget 1.0.8 Best clock/ weather app.
  15. Where are you doing the assembly at? If you tell me your house I am jealous. That would be sweet to have a lift at home.
  16. Bert- I really like that color combo. Can't wait to see it in action.
  17. I doubt the TPS could be effected by K&N oil. The sensor mounts internally to the throttle body and moves off the butterflys movements. The mass air flow sensor can be easily contaminated by that oil. My 94 Cobra had that exact problem. It ran ok then on full throttle it would fall on its nose hard. We cleaned the wires on the MAF and it came back to life. The TPS is changed easily. Hopefully it doesn't have the tamper resistent hex screws on it. If not then its a simple 5 minute job.
  18. It's over now. All the people got out and He got what he deserved. SHOT!
  19. bp-guy


    Your still black btw!!!!! You don't answer my texts either!!!
  20. I though the same thing "A Clock"??? but hey it's your car and if the wife likes it then thats a plus. Now that I am in the market for new gauges again for my mustang. What did those gauges cost if you don"t mind me asking.
  21. I won my case with EBAY. Now I am waiting to see what this guy tries next. I have 3 days to get it in mail to him. When he receives it I get my money back thru Ebay. I wonder if he will say I damaged them worse then how he sent them and cause me more trouble. I have a trick up my sleeve incase he does something like that but I don't want to post it on here incase he somehow found me here and followed this. (highly unlikely)
  22. Thanks for the info. I will let you know his ID on EBAY when I get home. I thought the court would be in my area so that is good. He is out of New York so I doubt he will persue a case for $200 even though he states the gauges new are $600. He would spend that in a flight alone to get here and back. Kinda pisses me off but I like a good fight ever now and then. His screen name is Silversea88
  23. My car isn't going to be done anytime soon so I have all the time in the world with this. I just hate how someone can manipulate the system into their favor and possibly win. I told him if I win I will send the gauges back to him in the same packaging mateirals he used and hope they don't get as messed up as they did while in transit to me. lol
  24. I did use paypal, always do. Not a company but a private seller.I will leave negative feedback as well. He will do the same for me and will hurt my 100% rating but right now I don't care. My track record on EBAY is perfect and my number is 164, his is 36 I think. So hopefully they will take my history into account and rule in my favor. I have been keeping all his emails in a folder. He changed my name on the address heading of the emails to "d*ck Head" LOL
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