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Everything posted by bp-guy

  1. I bought a set of gauges off EBAY and they were described as new and unused. When they arrived they were far from that. Missing parts and damaged. They were damaged in shipping and we didn't insure the box (my fault). But the gauges are not new, they have silicone on them and were all scratched up from the initial install. ( He stated they are new and removed them from a car he bought to put factory gauges back on the car) Me and the seller are going rounds on how to settle this. I filed a complaint and he has escalated it higher up the ebay chain. Fine by me! This guy is a total A-hole and has looked me up on Google earth to see where I live. I have kept all his emails as he is threatening me with a civil court suit if I do win this dispuite on ebay. What have any of you done with a bad purchase? I plan on using them if I lose but I will need to give them some love to make them look good in my 65 Mustang that I am restoring. I just want to hear the war stories and see if I am not alone in this battle. Also can I do a chargeback on my creditcard for merchandise not represented correctly. If I lose I want to hold this guy up as long as I can with my money in the balance.
  2. I heard the processor on the Droid 2 is not as fast as the X. Other than that is looks like a great phone.
  3. Most of us had 2 bays. But a few of the SEASONED guys prefered to keep just one bay and work at a slow pace. I did alignments and had a rack for that and a standard rack for all the other front end/brake work I did.
  4. Yeah but its a dry heat! lol Thats all the tech's you have? When I worked at a Ford dealership we had over 50 bays and like 35 techs there.
  5. I have seen alot of them and #5 is my favorite., Because of that photo I can open a glovebox to look for people. If we are looking for suspected people hidden in a car we can only look where a person can hide. Now I can legally open a glovebox. And if I find drugs in the glovebox--- BONUS. Busted and it will stand up all day in court and it wasn't an illegal search and seizure. The guns in the engine were pretty recent. The dude stiched into the chair is old but good. Plent of illegals in a tractor trailor. Dope in a gas tank is old. Seen it in transmissions and transfer cases too. Molded into the body panels. They are very creative. Hence the need for that backscatter x-ray maching so we can see your Junk uh I mean drugs..
  6. Damn, that's some expensive fuel.. Love my 91 octane motor. What I don't burn I put in the MOHO to get me back home.
  7. I got it the first day it was out. Tons of free apps Fast as hell Big screen HD video 16gb card installed already It took a while to get use to texting with no real keyboard. When you take a picture it saves the GPS coordinates. Kick a$$ navigation, goodbye tom tom type devices. Only negative thing so far is the battery life. The apps kill it. I get about 4-6 hours between charges. I use it ALOT though. I got 2 spare batteries off Ebay for $10, waiting on them to arrive. The Droid 2 is coming out soon. You might want to wait and see about that one. Here is a great cell phone geek website. Anything and everything about a cell phone is in here-- www.howardforums.com
  8. Finally got my CS5 back up and running. I was playing with a picture I took a while back near the Zoo.
  9. Still got girl on the brain? lol Congrats
  10. My truck came from Texas, No emissions crap on the truck exhaust. I took off the muffler and now it's straight piped all the way from the manifolds. It's loud as hell! At idle it sounds real cool. I get alot of questions about my exhaust. I love dumping black smoke on the ricer cars and tailgaters!!
  11. The pat down will only find whats on the outside. This X-ray goes thru and finds the things they hide inside. Not sure on the radiation, we take x-rays at the dentist and no one really is too concerned with that. I am sure after alot (many,many,many of these) you might see some sort of adverse reaction. I have seen this type of maching at work on vehicles and its pretty amazing what it can see.
  12. I am for the backsplatter machines. You would be amazed what they can find that other types of machines can miss. But I do see a problem with them almost showing your birthday suit in all its glory. A backsplatter X-ray won't give you up as far as someone being able to identify you from a picture it takes. (unless your John Holmes), so don't think someone will see your face in these things. It's an effed up world out there and we need to protect ourselfs. So if someone needs to scam me, go ahead I have nothing to hide. I deal with bad guys all the time. The mouth has a tendency to lie when caught. But fingerprints and X-rays always tell the truth.
  13. Gordons Well Sand Drags back in March.
  14. No conflict what so ever. They have a job they enjoy and being able to speak the native language of the majority of the people we come in contact is a huge advantage. As someone else mentioned- Just because they are "Mexican" doesn't make them all gardners and fix fences. . They are just as passionate if not more then I am about my job. Honestly I feel the people on welfare should be out there picking our fruit, mowing the grass and cleaning up the sides of the freeway. If you want that check you should still be a productive person in this society. Quit sitting at home getting paid to pop out kids and do Nothing!!!
  15. I was watching that show last night as well. It is a pretty sweet job. And being on the ATV unit is a bonus! I would love to ride the sand dunes all day long and get paid but I will take the mountains where I work as a second choice. BTW- Today marks the 1 year anniversary of the murder of Robert Rosas, The Campo agent that was killed in the line of duty. We are going to ride over to the Cross that was erected in his honor today to pay our respects. Oh yeah-- On Monday I get to learn how to do the PIT manuever. I will be in Ontario, Ca training for 3 days with the San Bernadino PD. We will learn how to tackfully stop a pursuit by putting the sucka into the guard rail!!! lol I will try to get pictures, sounds like it will be a blast.
  16. 2 words- Co Pay! More $$$$ for them.
  17. That KA show kicks a$$. We saw it last time there. The kids couldn't stay awake and interested in the Lion King but with KA they were wide awake and loving it.
  18. Hey Mike- Hold off on the powdercoat. I am having my calipers on my 65 Mustang powdercoated in about a week. If I like how they turned out I will be able to hook you up real cheap. My renter has friends that do it and the turn around is pretty fast.
  19. Heat and a BFH! (Big Effen Hammer) I just did my wifes lowers on her Expedition. Hammer them out and ball joint press then in.
  20. Mine doesn't even need to be in the Tow/Haul mode. After a few seconds of riding the brake it downshifts a gear.
  21. Nice truck Steve. The only thing I don't like about my truck is the placement of the heated seat switches. Sometimes I roll up or down my window and accidentially bump that switch without knowing it. Then a few minutes my back is getting hot. Other than that the truck is Awsome. It will tow your trailer like its not even back there. BTY Carmax is a great company. I had a front wheel bearing go out after I bought it. I have the 100,000 mile warranty and they replaced both front bearings because they figured it was safer that way. Cost me $50 for the deductable.
  22. I bought a couple screen protectors off Ebay. They cover the entire big screen on the back of the camera. They attach with a light adhesive that can be popped off easily. Less than $6.00 for 2 I think.
  23. I run my edge on #4 all the time (except for towing). I have an 04 LB7 and my temps never go above 1275. Cruising on the freeway they stay around 650-750. The uphill slowrolls are what makes my temps go high. If I can speed up or downshift it a gear the temps come right back down out of the hi 1200 deg range.
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