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Everything posted by bp-guy

  1. Mine is South Park themed. I have some of it done already. I will start a thread when it's complete. My friend is an airbrush guru. He is very talented and I have told him he could make $$$ doing this on the side. He is afraid he will mess up someones ride. I have nothing but good things to say about his work on my rail so far.
  2. You can never have too much light out there! I have 8 lights aiming forward and LOVE IT.
  3. No harm in making it how you want it. I am doing a few upgrades to my car as well as far as the paint goes. Putting a "theme" to mine.
  4. That's a good looking car. Congrats Bert. Why was the light bar set so far back?
  5. I read it somewhere to try just using longer and shorter shutter speeds. You might be right though since it didn't really come out as I had hoped. But my picture is really kind of plain with not to much happening in the shot. It's a cool tool to have on hand and I will keep playing with it and see what I can do with it.
  6. I took a few pics of my truck and played with the HDR mode in CS5. Used TV mode and just changed the times on about 5 shots and merged them together. Played with a couple settings of adjustment and this is what I got. I want to try this at the beach with some clouds and see how it goes.
  7. Use your windows movie maker on your computer. Thats how I do mine.
  8. Captnkllm's Rail Presidents Weekend
  9. I am thinking about these. Looks pretty simple to install a set. Maybe we could contact the company and get a group buy discount.
  10. Tear it down and make it look like YOU want it to. Here's a quick tip for your wiring- If it is wired into the frame already, as you pull the wire have some welding wire follow the old wire out and leave it in the frame. Leave a few inches hanging out of all the holes, that way when you go to rewire it all you have to do is attach the new wire to the welding wire and pull it through the frame.
  11. We are heading to Vegas for the 4th. (possibly) and staying till thursday. Is it worth heading up a day early to catch the fireworks or should we just stay home and head up Monday? My dad said the stateline puts on a great show. I have only been in Vegas on New Years many years ago and saw a firework show. So where would a good place be to see a cool show that the kids would like? I even thought about heading up to the top of the Stratosphere to watch them.
  12. Here you go Cheese! Warning- ACTUAL Surgery Video. Not bloody but still kinda gross!
  13. When Gary Coleman isn't in the ice chest you can stick your big toe in it sucka!! Found this today while looking for info.-- http://www.bar.ca.gov/80_BARResources/05_L...24-09_Final.pdf
  14. What about people like me that have a federal truck and live in CA? It came with no Cat. Will I be mandated to put one on it?
  15. I am a Ford guy through and through but I love my D-max. Truck looks good Woody, Congrats!
  16. Damn- you beat to that willis punchline. Sad to see him go before his time. He had a rough life after different strokes
  17. Well I replaced the fronts when I got the truck at 58k. I figured the bumps on the freeway were just that, since it is a HD it has to ride rough right? My manboobs take a beating! Figured it wouldn't hurt to treat my truck to some nice shocks.
  18. I ordered up a set for my rears. Stockers on the back and coming up on 98k. Time to replace them.
  19. x 2 on Lisa's Registration. I used her to register my golf cart for street use. But alot of us here in San Diego use her for sandrail stuff as well. But you can easily do it yourself, Get the major receipts together, IE motor trans and frame. Maybe the seats and other big ticket items. Or you can just tell the CHP you bought it as a basket case from some guy and show a receipt with an as-is sale, and you assembeled it yourself. If you have a few CHP offices in your area, check them out. Some will have a long wait for an inspection and others might have an opening sameday of just a few days wa
  20. I met him back in 87 when he came to a local radio station. Got his autograph and talked for a while. He was a small man from what I remember. A great musician none the less. His music will live on even though he is no longer with us.
  21. They should be interchangable from what I remember.
  22. Crazy how the panels make it look so much smaller. Are you having a hood made and enclosing the front with panels too? Mine it totally enclosed in the front and I love that. No sand inside from cutting off the top of a dune and no cold air up your shorts at night!! The car is looking good. Keep the pictures coming.
  23. Verizon here- Paid the unlimited usage for $30 a month. I use it a ton!
  24. Hell Yeah, Next time I am in Vegas I am going to do that!!
  25. Geez, look at all you pot heads!!! I was hoping today they would try to sneak some across the border since today was 4/20. But it didn't happen. So we just left and went and got in 18 holes of golf instead.
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