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Everything posted by bp-guy

  1. Yep, that's the car we saw next to our camp. Imagine the front tires pinned up by those front headlights because that's where they were when we say the car on the trailer. The wing was toast as well as the front suspension. The back of the frame appeared bent as well. The windshield looked as though both heads hit it but I don't know for sure. The dash was pushed forward from the passengers knees. Some bloody sand was still stuck to the roof also. I wanted to take pics but didn't want to offend the camp by doing so. It is a good reminder to be careful out there, this is a hobby and shouldn't be a life changing experience in a negative way. That cage did it's job very well. No failures that we saw anywhere that would have jeopardized their lives further by crappy buildsmanship. Hope that driver makes it out ok. I am sure he has a long road ahead of him.
  2. Great trip! lots of duning and laughing around the fire at night. Turns out Bob likes to cruise vendors row on 3 wheels!! I have a few videos but youtube is lagging so here are the pics.
  3. I do have a face sock. After each day I have a tan circle where my mouth is from breathing and the dust sticking to it. Here are some pics I took of the guys on our last day.
  4. I should be able to make this trip. 150 miles beats 300 any day to the desert.
  5. Some stations have RZR's as well as motorcycles. Our station chose the quads. They are a great tool in the mountains. We can go alot of places the trucks can't. The zip ties are for the illegals that we catch. I carry two sets of handcuffs but alot of times we catch more than 2 at a time. Here is the link to the helmet cam. Now you can kinda see what I see as I ride. Definately a fun detail to do at work. Sucks being the trialing rider and sucking dust all day but the rider infront of me is new so I have to observe him. Oh yeah- I hate wheelies, I suck at them. Jumping on the other hand is a blast! But we don't do that while at work, that would be wrong...
  6. The fence is about 8-9 feet tall. Shorter in some places. It isn't designed to keep people from jumping it. It's meant to keep cars and such from easily crossing the border.
  7. Yesterday I brought my Go-Pro with me and shot a little video. It was attached to my quad as I drove along the border. Tonight I will attach it to my helmet and see if it looks any better. The fence you see on the left of my bike is the actual border fence. At times we ride standing up in areas the we feel people could be up to no good. (i.e.- stringing a piece of wire across the road to take our heads off.) This week and last week myself and a supervisor are training 6 new riders. It has been fun doing this and we are suppose to train two more classes. I will post some pics of us later on when after they get certified, we have a cool track we play on to keep our skills in tune.
  8. If an airshock fails on you, you have nothing to back it up. With a coilover you will always have the spring there for support. $300 might seem like alot of money right now but once you do it right you will be happy in the choice. Do the coilovers and you will never look back.
  9. What in the hell are you doing sitting in the back!! It's YOUR toy you need to be up front. I see a turbo Honda in there, what other goodies did it come with? Did you do the modifications to the rear shocks and light bars?
  10. I had a nice X-Mas with my family until my 18yo nephew decides to steal money out of my place where I keep it, then hits my cousins purse and empties that. Gotta love the meth heads!!!!
  11. I don't see it either... I am having issues with my computer. Tried downloading new windows media player 11 and quicktime but I still can't see any videos people post on here.
  12. This is a cool story, I hope they find what they are looking for and post some pictures back up on here. Good Luck with your hunt and be sure to take plenty of food and water, warm and cool clothes,make sure cell phones are charged and a gps would be a good idea incase you get lost and need to notifty the authorities of where you are.
  13. He sent me a message saying it was indeed a typo. He is selling them for $239 and has 5 left.
  14. I sent that guy a message about the camera. We'll see what he says.
  15. My brother-in-law told me they can't really cut the price just yet. If they get caught doing that they will lose their distributer abilities from gopro. If you go onto gopro.com you can download the software to make the regular cameras hold upto an 8gb card. It was very easy to do.
  16. Is it a rear engine car or mid? If its a rear engine try this with your shifting linkage. Disconnect it at the trans and find neutral. Pull the rod in the trans all the way out and then makes sure its goes in just a tiny bit. (maybe a 1/4 inch or so.) that should be neutral. Try moving the car to verify this. Next loosen the shift box as it mounts to the frame of the car. Find neutral with your shifter (Centered in the shift box) the secure that back down. Make any adjustments to your shift rod as needed to hook it all back up. You might need to lengthen the rod or shorten it. Hopefully you have this adjustment built into your shift rod with a threaded piece at the rear of the shift rod. With everything all secure, verify your are able to get all gears easily with out the motor running. You can then try a road test and see if that worked for you. If your still grinding it definately sounds like a syncro issue. Does it make noises as you down shift as well?
  17. Mike, I was thinking the same thing about all our videos going to a dedicated spot. Hey WHAT'S NEXT- Look at my video on the Thanksgiving trip report thread and watch part 2. At the 6:12 mark you drive past our group. If you were with the Racing Dirty rail then that was you guys.
  18. Both are good units. They even talk to you and usually are pretty accurate with directions. I have found that they take you in the most generic route and it might not be the fastest. I used my sisters Garmin and found this to be a problem with that unit. I guess you need to find the one that suits your needs as far as options that each one will do for you. Price will vary greatly so look around, especially with the holidays the prices will be getting lower.
  19. I met Chris for the first time this weekend. He rolled up in his motorhome and parked right next to me. I saw his last name on a tie-down strap and told my wife ' I think he is with randog" We were introduced and it felt like we already knew eachother. We got along right away. I helped him with his rail with an exhaust leak and he was off and running. Later that day I woke him up and he went on a ride in my rail. We were talking about all kinds of things on that ride. Also listening to music thru the headsets. I don't mind riding alone but with Chris I had a blast. We helped get the motorcycle rider with 2 broken ankles out of the dunes. My car had a GPS so we were able to locate help and tell them exactally where to go. Long story short--- Chris, I hope you make a full and speedy recovery. Sell that rail, it's jinxed by randog and go get yourself a longtravel and tear it up with us. Here is a shot of him with Tommy during the drags-
  20. It was the result, Randog was just taking a fast line and his rail went over. He wasn't doing anything out of the norm and the sand decided to bite back. It looked like I was far away due to the camera but I was able to see most of it and was there fairly quickly. We pushed it over and had a few laughs. Got it to where it was able to make it back on it's own power and waited for pete to bring out the needed parts to get Randog back up and running. Here are a few pics from the weekend--- Drags Tommy looking Old School Gangster!!! Best Group Photo Ever!
  21. I will post more later but I got a video of one of our runs up on youtube. It's the one Randog had his little mishap. (part one) (part two)
  22. I have nothing worth adding to this post!! - WTF I didn't type that up there.... Pete you messing with me? I have nothing worth adding to this post!! - I have nothing worth adding to this post!! - I have nothing worth adding to this post!! - x2 on the replacement... It will cost almost as much to rebuild it as it would to just go buy another one. Tim ALMOST ASE Master Tech ALMOST Ford Master Tech NOW Overpaid Government Employee and loving it!!!
  23. Just to make it easy on you I will wear my BP hat so you can avoid me if your afraid of being deported. lol
  24. I promise I won't deport any of you if you show..lol Just bring me a beer and its all good!
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