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Everything posted by bp-guy

  1. http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/lanow/2009...ked-in-suv.html :beer_bang:
  2. How cool of a view he would have had though!!! I say that knowing he is home safe. But I heard it was as high as 7-8000 feet.
  3. Make sure the shock is not under a load when you do pressurize it again. Jack up that corner or just remove the shock.
  4. So we have seen the Before and After pics..... What about the DUNING pictures!!! Thats the purpose of all the sweat and agony right? BTW.. The car looks great.
  5. bp-guy

    Days off

    I got a laugh out of that sentence considering your screen name and all!!
  6. That's what I was thinking also. So in that picture am I seeing the Left rear tire and the motor to the right of that? Too much sand to really make it out. Nice picture glad it wan't my camera though.
  7. That's a tough spot to be in. It is his land so its his obligation to do what he see fit. I wouldn't want him as a neighbor with his house looking like that, but it wouldn't make me move either. Maybe if they tried the nice guy approach and just asked him to clean up it might have had a better reception then just coming in and removing what someone else considers junk. What happens to his stuff that got removed by the city? What if it gets lost? Then he sues and wins a ton of cash for his junk because someone else decided to help him relocate his junk.
  8. Thats a loooong way to fall if you slipped.
  9. Your making good progress on the rail. Looks great. Nice to make a used car new again by making your own mods and upgrades.
  10. My daughter wanted to go then my wife said she was going to shop for HANNAH MONTANA decorations for her room so my little one bailed on me! Bring ear plugs for the kids, it gets loud. So I went alone for a few hours. My next stop is the NHRA drag races, I am really wanting to photgraph that! Here a couple more for you jorge-
  11. I didn't see that (JSF). As I was leaving the Harrier plane was up and hovering. No real new technology was on display this year from what I saw.
  12. Yesterday I decided to check out the the final day of the air-show. It was a cloudy day but figured it would be a good time to try out my camera on high speed planes and see how I could do. The clouds really messed with the auto focus but I managed to get a few good ones. I had to leave before the Blue Angels took off to go to work but it was a cool show regardless. And the picture with the helocopter upsidedown is real. The thing is very cool. It did loops and barrel rolls. Planes off to the side F-15 preparing for takeoff F-15 taking off Army Golden Knights Plane and the Oracle Stunt Plane 1st Jumper leaving Plane Most of them out now Low fly by Canadian Snow-Birds Big azz Helo's Jet powered Semi Redbull Stunt Plane Wall Of Fire (I coud feel the heat!) More Helos Chinook Helos My screensaver at home Inflight refueling nozzle Bi-plane F-16 600 mph flyby cool vapor rings F-16 and P-51 Mustang F-16 doing tricks Redbull Helocopter Upside down Patriots Stunt team (all civilian pilots) Patriots stunt planes
  13. Gotta teach him to dig in those heels, reach back and smack that azz... oh wait thats how add-a-string came about! Looks like fun, I rode one back in Germany in 1990. lasted all of 3 seconds on that sucker...
  14. I always used 20/50 and never had any issues with my 2276.
  15. Unfortunately that is a tough problem with carbs and sand. I think your answer has been noted above already. Use a quality air filter base and top with grease to help seal the air filter top and bottom. I think I had 3 fuel filters on my VW engine. 1 right out of the fuel pump and one before each carb. I also have K&N Air Filters with an Outerwear sock on each one to help out.
  16. bp-guy


    Lets see-- all of these countries are from down south, most of these countries wear or are very familiar with a hat known as a sombrero so I think the smilie fits with my post without bringing the race card into play. Now if your were referring to another one used by someone else then sorry my bad! :mischevious:
  17. bp-guy


    I have caught all of those!
  18. Just wanted to bring this back to the top. I have an IPOD with a 80gb hard drive. I would like to fill it with 80's,90's and todays music. All types but no COUNTRY!! I will ship it to you and pay for return postage as well. I have about 2800 songs on it so feel free to keep anything I have on there. Any takers?
  19. I call BS on the ad... Here is my proof- origional ad as posted- Wez gots da 91 hondas with 20's for salz true ebonics ad lingo- Wez gots da 91 hondas WIF 20's for salz just some krackers bein' funny n stuff
  20. Well we had our 9th annual tournament yesterday. As usual it was a blast. Effen hot day though. Before we even finish registration we went through a keg and a half. 5 Kegs total all gone along with 8 30 packs and 10 18 packs of beer. We raised a total of $3200 for the 2 scholarships ($1600 each) Thanks again to all the donated and Pete I have the hole sponsorship sign with me, I will get it out to you soon. Here's the pics---- Sponsorship Banner Ashley and Stevie Laura and Vanessa Honor Guard Honor Guard Bag Pipe Agent Hard Core Muscle Hard Core Muscle My 65 restoration Project. Having some fun with it before it goes to the body shop. Fastback
  21. Golf tournament is Thursday. If you spray carb cleaner around the carb and the idle never changed then you don't have an air leak. Did you look at the seats of the jets and make sure they are still round and have not been bottomed out too hard and now have a small dent around the seat of the needle. How is the shaft that runs thru the carb that holds the butterflys on. I know that tends to wear out over time too. What type of Syncro are you using? Is it the ball the floats in a glass tube or the nice one that rotates and has a red line that moves up and down? How is it after it comes off idle? any popping up thru the carb or backfiring?
  22. It only takes a grain of sand to mess up a carb. Pull out all the jets and blow them out.
  23. That traffic sucked big time. We left SD at 3:30pm and got to the check-in desk at 11:30 that night. 3 lanes into 1 at that time of day!!! Way to go Caltrans! It was nice seeing the Highway Patrol giving out tickets to the people using the emergency lanes to leapfrog ahead.
  24. Nice looking car Joe I think we passed you on our way to Vegas Thursday afternoon. We were at the In-N-Out at Hesperia and my wife said we just passed a trailer with a DDR sticker on it. White lifted GMC and Weekend Warrior. One daytime driving light out.
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