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Everything posted by bp-guy

  1. Thursday night thru sat. morning. Staying at the Monte Carlo. Want to hook up for a Friday dinner somewhere? I am talking to Pete about it also.
  2. Hopefully I don't hit any residual traffic. We are leaving San Diego around 2ish so I hope all is clear and free by the time we make it that far up there.
  3. Happy Birthday Nick. Don't dring too much and wind up like those guys we saw at the Fremont Experience last year!!!
  4. Just goes to show how crappy the economy is today. That car should have sold a long time ago and at a much higher price. Congrats on getting it sold. Whats next?
  5. Check E-bay. I remember seeing plans for sale in the dunebuggy/sandrail sections.
  6. Thanks Pete, I will forward that to him and see if that will fly. Apparently if the crowd was in there we need a release from EVERONE in oredre to use it
  7. But you did it at the pump- I suggested you do it from a gas can straight to the generator with about 2 feet of fuel line. this way you eliminate all the other parts of the supply to the generator. oh yeah EFF YO ECHO!! :B
  8. That site is a pay for answer site. I just checked it out.
  9. It sounds like an air in the fuel issue. But if you checked all your lines then you would have seen a craked fuel line. How about the carb gasket area? Did you try the brake cleaner trick to find an air leak when running? Start the generator and lightly spray around the carb where it mounts and listen to the idle for a change in rpm's. The fuel pump might have a pin hole in the diaphram also. Try having a small can with fuel hung above the carb outside the trailer and let it gravity feed into the generator. If it runs fine with just gravity feeding it then I would suspect the pump being faulty.
  10. Is anyone here good with photoshop? This picture is being submitted for a calendar (don't know which company yet) and they would like the crowd out of the picture. I don't have photoshop. So any help would be appreciated.
  11. Diego is overhyped- better off staying home. Besides last time you came down you didn't even call!
  12. I take the beach for granted, Living here my whole life I prefer the sand over the water. You came here at the right time. Glad you had a nice vacation
  13. The only thing I hated about Mazzone's cars was the fact that your butt was actually below the frame. If you look at the side picture of the frame you can see the seat below the frame. The seat is aluminum and not a seat per say. If you bottom out somewhere you will feel it in the seat of your pants literally! Dialing in a pair of carbs is easy if you have a syncrometer. The suspension is another issue, by todays standards that car has NONE. But if this is your first car then you will have a great time in it. I went from about 4 inches of travel to 18. Huge difference in the way you drive a car and look at the dunes. A 1776cc motor isn't that big and you definately won't be the big dog at the drags. You should be able to hit Comp and go up it but not as fast as you hoped. Hopefully the trans is geared right for the motor. A motor hitting its sweet spot and a transmission not in the correct range SUCKS! you have to do alot of shifting up and down to keep it moving in the dunes. If your comfortable with everything else and you definately should meet somewhere and test drive it, I say go for it. As long as your jeep and the rail are the same price range. And bring a buddy that knows a thing or two about sandrails to look it over before buying it!!!!!
  14. My daughter wanted to get her hair cut the other day. I suggested the same thing. My wife took her to a place that donates the hair and we found out her hair is not long enough yet. So instead of saying "oh well" and getting her hair cut, she walked out and wants to wait till its long enough. It's a good thing your daughter did, these kids are going thru enough with their sickness, they dont need the problems of people staring at them because they don't have any hair. Hell I know what that feels like right now! I am 39, do you think I can score a little bit of hair for my cul-de-sac I got going on up top? lol
  15. Okay, First of all I would like to thank all of you that donated to the Golf tournament. Combined you all made a total of $285.00 in contributions towards this event. Now for the winners. I don't want to disclose the amount they donated for privacy reasons. #1 Mike Woods aka Woody #2 Brian King #3 DDR aka Pete aka Dunefreak Woody will get the Shirt, choice of beer mug, choice of hat, shot glass. Brian King will get the other beer mug and a shot glass. DDR will get the hat and shot glass. Thanks again to all and to the winners I need a mailing address to ship off the goods to you.
  16. Your life is over! You will look at everthing in a different light now. I always find myself looking at things for their potential of a picture opportunity. Congrats on the camera and post up some of your shots that you have taken so far.
  17. Donations end tomorrow night.... I managed to get a black hat (like the green one) and another shot glass. I will send out prizes to the top 3 people. If there is a tie I will give it to the pesron that donated first for the tie breaker.
  18. No more pics of the chevelle. I had to save room on my card for the girls!!
  19. Last weekend was this car show. My friend who customizes mustangs was a sponsor and asked me if I wanted to take pictures. UH YEAH!!!! Some of his Clients Supercharged Nice Ragtop Lambo ????? How High Can You Go Ernie, pre-drifting Ernie, Drifting thru cones And Drifting Around this Car Mad Mike (MTV's Pimp my Ride) Sweet Chevelle Calloway Vette Bikini Girl It was a rough Day Nice um.... POPO Mustang Model Laura I know... WTF a MEXICAN FLAG!!!! Last Shot
  20. BREAKING NEWS--- They have a suspect under arrest in San Jose,CA. aparrently they traced a cell phone call made from the fallen agent up in San Jose at a local hospital there. I say swift justice would be to bring him back to the border and let us have at him and if he makes it south then Not Guilty...
  21. Thanks Cheesedaddy I have nothing worth adding to this post!! - I have nothing worth adding to this post!! - x2, I am safe and sound, now lets let this type of thread go away and move on to better more fun topics. I hate death and all that surrounds it but I will try and make this funeral. I will post more info tomorrow when I go back to work but after that lets just move on. Thanks again for all the concern it's nice knowing that even though I don't know everyone on here, you all still care and were checking up on my well being..
  22. I was hoping for 3!!! Let's let these threads go away peacefully and get back to some good topics. Like DUNIN' RIP fellow Agent
  23. I am not religious in any form- I never get offended by a cross on a hill, on a mountain top or any other way. It's a free country, as long as you don't force your beliefs down my throat I am ok with a cross. To me it symbolizes those that gave their lives, plain and simple. But for a SINGLE person the isn't even in the same state to be able to have such power is STUPID! Our whole Gov. System is jacked and needs a major overhaul.
  24. I am not fat! I am big boned! (cartman- south park) Sorry to make you all worry, I was tucked away in my bed last night. I was driving home around that time and I saw about 8 Sheriff cars go by me with lights and sirens on. I called my friend that is a sheriff but got voicemail. Today I got my answer as to what they were doing. Oh and Bob----YOUR BLACK!!
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