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Everything posted by bp-guy

  1. I found this on a local internet news site- Hospitals on alert for suspect in fatal shooting of agent By Debbi Baker and Kristina Davis UNION-TRIBUNE STAFF WRITERS Originally published 7:35 a.m. July 24, 2009, updated 3:15 p.m., July 24, 2009 At least one suspect in the shooting death of a U.S. Border Patrol agent may have been seriously injured and could be seeking medical treatment on either side of the U.S.-Mexico border, authorities said Friday. At an afternoon news conference, Keith Slotter, special agent in charge of the FBI in San Diego, said hospitals and other medical facilities are being checked. Agent Robert Rosas was shot and killed near Campo Thursday night while investigating a group of people presumed to have crossed into the country illegally. Slotter said it was not known if there was one shooter or more. According to the Officer Down Memorial Web site, Rosas, who was stationed in Campo, was 30 years old, had been with the agency for three years, was married and had a 2-year-old son and 11-month-old daughter. Homeland security Secretary Janet Napolitano said the attack on Rosas was an inexcusable crime and that she has directed the full resources of the department to investigate and bring his killer or killers to justice. “This act of violence will not stand – nor will any act of violence against the Border Patrol,” she said. An agent saw the group sometime between 8:30 and 9 p.m. in the remote and rocky terrain south of state Route 94 off Shockey Truck Trail not far from the border, Border Patrol Agent Daryl Reed said. He called for other agents, who split up and began to trail the group, Reed said. About 9:15 p.m., agents, who had lost radio contact with their fellow agent, heard multiple gunshots and rushed to the area, where they found that the agent had been shot, Reed said. Officials said Rosas was shot in the head. He died at the scene. Several agencies responded to the shooting, including the Sheriff's Department, the FBI and Cal Fire. A large-scale search by land and air was conducted, but no one in the group was found, Reed said. Mexican authorities were also notified and conducted a search on their side of the border, Reed said. It's unknown if the group was smuggling humans or drugs or if the people fled back to Mexico or continued traveling inside the United States, Reed said. Napolitano said she was deeply saddened by Rosas' death. “My thoughts and condolences are with Agent Rosas' family and his fellow agents at this difficult time. His death is a vivid reminder that we are engaged in a serious effort to secure our border and that thousands of Border Patrol agents and other DHS (Department of Homeland Security) employees risk their lives every single day to protect and defend our nation.” Rep. Brian Bilbray, R-Carlsbad, said the slaying is a wake up call and that is was only matter of time before the violence related to illegals and drugs crossed over the border along with the smugglers. He cautioned anyone who has taken cheap jabs at the agency to remember that the slain agent gave his life for a tough, dangerous and frustrating job. “This agent died in the service of his country,” Bilbray said. “He is another fallen hero in the battle to address the problems down there.” Rep. Darrell Issa, R-Vista, said the thoughts and prayers of the entire region are with the family and friends of the fallen agent. “Every day, our nation's Border Patrol agents stand on the front lines of the effort to keep our country and communities safe. They knowingly put their well-being in harm's way and in some cases make the ultimate sacrifice. What happened last night was a tragedy and a painful acknowledgment that at any time, our Border Patrol agents may be put into an extraordinary circumstance. Twenty Border Patrol agents in the San Diego sector have died in the line of duty since 1925. Here is a link to a site that has his picture- http://www.odmp.org/officer/20005-border-p...ert-wimer-rosas
  2. bp-guy


    I am taking my nephew skydiving for his 18th birthday, I want to do it but I am a tad bit over the weight limit!! I noticed on the last few pictures you don't have your goggles on. Did the wind knock them off your head or did you take them off to see better?
  3. I am Here!!! It was the station to my east that had the shooting. I am not up to speed on all the details but what I know so far is this- He has been in for just over 3 years, Was working a group of aliens bringing in drugs. A struggle insued and he was fatally shot. His weapon holster was broken indicating a struggle for the gun. I am not sure if his weapon was used against him or not. I don't want to post alot of speculation of what happened, when i get absolute details I will let you all know what happened. We are a tight family in the patrol, if he has a family they will remain with the partol from now on, no one is forgotten!! Thanks for all the texts asking if I was ok and alright. BOB flat out texted me- U ALIVE? I appreciate the fact that you all care and through you is how I knew something was wrong.
  4. bp-guy


    Wow, tuff life!...lol
  5. Ok, we are down to the last month till the Golf Tournament. As of today we are just a hair under $300.00 and I thank you all for your generosity. I was able to get the items that I want to donate for the 2 highest donors today and here they are--- 1- Border Patrol T-Shirt 1- Border Patrol Hat 1- Beer Mug 1- Frosted Beer Mug 2- Shot Glasses I was thinking that the high bidder will get the Shirt,Hat,Choice of glass and one shot glass. Second place will get the other beer glass and shot glass. Hopefully this might give a few out there a little incentive to give to a good cause. I will end this at the end of the month and get the prizes out to the winners asap. Paypal link--- https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_...tton_id=5149375 Thanks again to all that have donated and to Pete for letting me do this on here!!
  6. Shouldn't you be in the kitchen cooking instead of posting on here!!! lol Congrats about going back to school, hope it works out for you.
  7. I need a cell phone that takes pictures like that!
  8. here is the info I pulled off one of my pictures- Shooting Date/Time 7/8/2009 9:52:44 PM Owner's Name Shooting Mode Shutter-Priority AE Tv( Shutter Speed ) 8 Av( Aperture Value ) 3.5 Metering Mode Evaluative Metering Exposure Compensation -1/3 ISO Speed 200 Auto ISO Speed OFF Lens 19-35mm Focal Length 19.0 mm Image Size 4752x3168 Image Quality Fine Flash Off FE lock OFF White Balance Mode Auto AF Mode Manual focusing Picture Style User Defined 1(Standard) Sharpness 5 Contrast 2 Saturation 3 Color tone 1 Color Space sRGB Long exposure noise reduction 0:Off High ISO speed noise reduction 0:Standard Highlight tone priority 0:Disable Auto Lighting Optimizer 0:Standard File Size 1556 KB Drive Mode High-speed continuous shooting Live View Shooting OFF I put my hand infront of the lense till a shell was launched, I kept my hand away till I wanted to stop the action of the burst. It's kind of trial and error on that. Plus guessing on how long to do it without missing a good one.
  9. Well mine aren't 4th of July but they are fireworks none the less. I went down to Seaworld and took pictures of the show. I read a trick on how to shoot fireworks and it seemed to work pretty good. It's called the "hat method" I set the camera for a long exposure (20 seconds) and I covered the lense (I used my hand) when I don't want to let light in, and when I do, simply move my hand. The pictures with multiple shells going off was shot using that method. Iso was 200 and focus was set to infinity. Too bad the wind wasn't helping out with the smoke, no breeze at all.
  10. If you file a claim against him you have to wait the required time for him to have a chance to either mail the item or explain his side of the story. Paypay will make their decision and if its in your favor it will go back into your account as a credit. I think they take the money out of his account immediately and hold it till the make their decision.
  11. That was my average mpg. My current mpg can be 2-99mpg depending on how hard I have the pedal pressed.
  12. Finally did the hand calculation thing. Effen 15.8 mpg and my display still says 18.3. Oh well its fun to drive.
  13. The carb is not serviceable. You might get lucky and be able to clean it out but some of the passage ways are blocked off and not accessable to clean. It is imperative that you run it atleast one every two months or so to clean out the fuel with fresh fuel to avoid gumming up the carb. Onan sucks for this problem
  14. I like his skit on Caulk.
  15. Selling all the crap that doesn't work! Karma train ran his azz over.
  16. Man, I remember those days! I had a 63 ragtop, 1835 motor. W decklid and glass taillights. I want an Oval window sooooo bad. VW's are and will always be classics.
  17. Micheal Jacksons last words--- Take me to the CHILDREN'S Hospital! Or BREAKING NEWS!-- Micheal Jackson has just passed away, Doctors say he he died of food poisoning by consuming 12 year old nuts.
  18. Even though he was a whack job it still sucks, he was a father to 3 kids. The man had talent though, like it or not. 50 is too soon.
  19. Yep- pull the bulb and look at the wires on the bulb. They burn alot in the socket. Not sure what causes it though, maybe put sone dielectric grease in there and it might help. Both my lights have been going strong since I picked up the truck. Although now they will be out since I talked about them!
  20. Well the TV setting did the trick. Set the shutter to 1/800 and the ISO to auto and here is the result-- I like how it freezes everything. And the runners are nice and clear, no more blur even when running full speed. Now they want me at every game to take pictures! I took 300 just at the last game. Thanks for the tip Pete!
  21. Lol, I wish. I am the king of rabbits and squirrels when it comes to roadkills. Too bad we can't put the kills on the side of our trucks like the old time fighter aircraft.
  22. Totally legal, we have dirtbikes and razors all the time on the weekends. No big deal. Just drive normal so we don't have and accident and we are cool with them.
  23. She's born ready to box, Check out them gloves! Right arm ready to drop the hammer.
  24. We can't have anything out there except Gov. Issued equipment. I had my airsoft gun out with me a while back just shooting rabbits and lizards and such. My supervisor saw it and told me I could get in a ton of trouble for having it out here so I leave it at home.
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