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Everything posted by bp-guy

  1. You might want to go throught the entire car looking for weak welds. One the second picture that bottom section with the heim joint looks like a crappy weld also. On the other side of the axel as well, some of those welds don't look to good. Not trying to slam your car here. It looks like a fun car, just have someone go through it and fix it right this time so you can enjoy your car out in the sand instead of worring "What"s Next"
  2. Uh.....yep. We can't use deadly force just because....
  3. You won't sleep very good the first few nights. Even if your a hard sleeper you will hear a fly fart in the next room and be right up thinking something is wrong with your little one. Glad your all home safe.
  4. Thanks Pete- I totally forgot about the TV settings for that type of picture.
  5. Here's an example of the blur I am referring to.
  6. Sounds like she couldn't decide if she wanted to be born on friday or saturday. Either way your life as you knew it is now OVER! I wouldn't trade my 2 girls for anything. Take a lot of pictures. She will be graduating high school before you know it!
  7. There were 2 agents on scene there, but the group was 5 total. The foot guide ran back into Mexico. Good eye Lee. We have brush drags we tow behind to wipe the road clean from time to time. It's the big brushes that are inside the car washes that go down the sides of your car. They have ways of getting past those but I can't say how on here. We are always working on a better way to do it and they work on a way to cross undetected. Cat and mouse games all day!
  8. Yeah, i was using the 28-135 IS. I tried the C2 setting and the sport mode. I think the IS was left on at all times.
  9. Thanks Lee, Coming from a guy with ALOT of camera time means alot. Guess I am doing ok so far. I tried taking pictures of my work softball team. Stills are easy but moving objects are very tough! But I like the challenge.
  10. Here is a picture I took a while back. I like it and its my screensaver at the moment.
  11. No problem, consider it a baby present from me. Any preference in color?
  12. No hiring at the moment, I guess we have enough applicants. What size shirt? I can hook you up with those two items.
  13. I am loving the camera. I was driving real cautious like I had a baby in there with me. I didn't want it falling off the seat and hitting anything. Usually I drive like I stole it out there, but I was under 10 mph all day!
  14. Yesterday I brought my new camera with me with hope of finding some good stuff to take pictures of. It was kind of a slow day but I managed to get a few action pictures. #1- The PCT (Pacific Crest Trail) it starts here and goes to Canada. People do it every year! #2- Border Road looking West. #3- Border fence- This secton (panel 1724) was actually cut and a car loaded with drugs came through. Didn't get too far though. #4- A group of 5 that we got right when we got out to the field. #5- My truck at a high point. The Minutemen use to camp here for about 3 years but they moved on. #6- A small group had crossed the road we patrol. They were caught by the Midnight shift. #7- This valley is where I caught that 98 pounds of marijuana a few months ago. Very busy area! #8- Our ghetto processing station. #9- Our Helocopter checking out a highpoint. Spotters hide up there and radio the groups when to move or stay put. #10- Helocopter flying over me. #11- I asked them to check the south side of the fence to see if he could find anyone hiding. Made for a good photo opportunity! #12- Still checking the fence. He is about 30 off the ground right there. Pretty mello day none the less, but beats an office job ANYDAY! Hope you liked my little presentation. lol
  15. My rodent problem is some damn gopher family tearing up my front and back yards! A lil bait here and there and they seem to migrate over to the neighbors lawn but will creep back after a month or two. Snakes would drive me crazy with a curious dog and 2 little girls.
  16. Very Cool, I hope all goes well with the delivery. Be prepared to smell stuff that you have never smelled!!!
  17. That's why I live in the city! I deal with rodents not snakes.
  18. bp-guy


    Soccer mom's nowadays I tell ya. Keep getting bigger and bigger cars!
  19. Leave the logo. It's not too common you see a company logo that actually looks good on a car that is so BIG! P.S.- Where did you get that IPOD mount? I like that one. Price too if you don't mind.
  20. My truck is at 81k and the display says 18.2 mpg. I have bigger tires on it now so I am sure its off a bit. Maybe next tank I will hand calculate it. Either way I don't care too much, I have too much fun putting the pedal into the engine compartment. Cheese- Have you done any mods to it yet?
  21. Yes, we got the equivilant of 2 years of spanish in 16 weeks. It is primarily immigration based and a little survival spanish if you know what I mean! So as fas as general spanish I am way off. But if a guy wants to kick my a$$ with his buddies I know exactially what they are saying and then I spray them with OC!
  22. But how come when you were a kid you had to use both hands and now you only use 1 hand!!
  23. Working that holiday weekend. Then on the 6th it's my 13th wedding anniversary so I guess I need to buy the wifey something nice.
  24. I am the king of spanglish! Just throw an "o" at the end of everyword. Even though I don't know spanish perfectly I speak it so damn fast they look at me like what I said made sence so screw it!
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